Xamarin Blog

An open source mobile platform for building Android, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps with .NET.

Consumable In-App Purchases

If you are building a game or application with content that needs to be purchased multiple times, you'll need to integrate consumable in-app purchases (IAPs) into your application. In my previous IAP blog post, I covered the basics of setting up your app for IAP transactions, adding the IAP items to Google Play and iTunes Connect, and introduced you to the In-App Billing Plugin for Xamarin that greatly simplifies the process of adding IAP to your application's code. Today, we'll take a look at consumables and how they offer a slight tweak to the development process.

Integrating In-App Purchases in Mobile Apps

Developers often need to integrate monetization to generate revenue when developing mobile apps. There are several ways to monetize apps, but at some point you may want to introduce In-App Purchases, or IAPs, into your app. IAPs can be used in several ways that could apply to your apps, such as adding features, removing ads, or buying in-game currency. Let's take an in-depth look at IAPs and how to add them to mobile apps.

Enhanced Device Logging in Visual Studio

During development we often print out logs, warnings, and errors to the console to help with the debugging process. However, with the complexity of mobile operating systems and applications, we often need to see what's happening on the device or being logged by other parts of the operating system. This is where the iOS and Android device logs come in to help; they've been completely redesigned in the latest version of Xamarin for Visual Studio.