Misty Hays

Sr. Program Manager

Misty is a senior program manager on the Visual Studio Acquisition & Retention Team and is the host of Retro Tech on Microsoft's Ch9. She blogs about Visual Studio and retro Microsoft tech.

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New Profiler feature in Visual Studio

Introducing the new File I/O tool  We just launched a new profiling tool in Visual Studio 17.2 that helps you understand how you can optimize your File I/O operations to improve performance in your apps. If you’re trying to investigate and diagnose slow loading times, the new File IO tool can help you understand how the I/O operations ...

Your Visual Studio Dashboard

I keep thinking about a tweet that said you should tackle challenging problems and do everything you can to maximize time well spent, so your ecosystem doesn’t have to.  Because once you’re distracted, it can be challenging to get back into the flow of writing code. Developers juggle a massive cognitive overload of different software, ...

It looks like you’re using Visual Studio. Would you like help?

We recently asked in an installer survey what you’d find valuable to see while you’re staring at the installer screen during updates/installations in Visual Studio 2022, and y’all said tips and tricks!  Y’all also told us that you want to see tips in the IDE, too—in a Visual Studio start page! Receiving tips from a virtual ...