Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

CodeCast Interview: VS 2010 Shell with Weston Hutchins

Ken Levy and I sat down last week to chat about the new VS 2010 IDE and some of the great features we’ve added for this release.  From the CodeCast site: “In this episode of CodeCast, Ken Levy interviews Weston Hutchins, program manager on the Visual Studio Shell team (team responsible for the core IDE services and extensibility ...

Content Load Error: Breaking Changes for Beta2 Start Pages

Visual Studio 2010 Beta2 custom Start Pages will fail to load in Visual Studio 2010 RC due to WPF namespaces changes caused by Shell assembly refactoring between the Beta2 and RC releases.  Specifically Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.UI.dll has been split between Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.10.0.dll and a new assembly, Microsoft....

IntelliSense Crash in VS 2010 RC when using UI Automation

UPDATE:  There is now a patch available for this issue in the VS 2010 RC.  If you're experiencing frequent crashing when IntelliSense pops up or is dismissed, please download this patch to see whether it resolves the issue.  This bug has also been fixed for VS 2010 RTM. Shortly before the Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate (RC) was ...

Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate Now Available!

If you haven’t read the news on other notable MSDN blogs, I’m pleased to announce that the Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Release Candidates are now available for download!  Currently the downloads are only available to MSDN subscribers, but they will be released to the public this Wednesday, February 10th.  This release ...

Visual Studio First Launch Sequence

With the upcoming Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate around the corner, I would like to talk briefly about some changes we have made to the first-launch-after-installation sequence. Many of you may notice that the first time you start VS after installing, once you have selected a profile, it takes a long time for the main VS window to appear...

Announcement: Unpublishing Extensions from Beta 2 to RC

UPDATE 2/8: I forgot to mention a change to the VSIX file format in the Release Candidate that might impact your extensions.  The valid <Edition> values (under <SupportedProducts>) have been updated to better reflect our SKU branding.  The only valid values for RC and RTM are: IntegratedShell, Pro, Premium...

Visual Studio “Tip of the Day”

If you like the tips and tricks we sometimes post on this blog, you might want to check out the Visual Studio Tips and Tricks blog.  It’s written by Zain Naboulsi, a Senior Developer Evangelist at Microsoft, and it’s devoted to these little productivity boosters.  We’ll continue to post the occasional tip here on the Visual Studio blog...

What is the difference between “dynamic” and “object” keywords?

Let’s take a quick look at the object keyword first. I’m not going to talk a lot about it because it’s been around since C# 1.0. This keyword is nothing more than a shortcut for System.Object, which is the root type in the C# class hierarchy. (However, as Eric Lippert pointed out in his blog post, not everything in C# derives from object...

MSBuild Interview on CodeCast

I had the distinct pleasure to meet up with Ken Levy and talk about MSBuild. Ken is responsible for the CodeCast interviews at code magazine.The interview consists of an in-depth technical and scenario discussion on how and why to use MSBuild, both in Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010.  We also discussed new ...