IoT Developer

Tooling and Experience

Introducing Visual Studio Tools for Azure IoT Edge

Today we are pleased to announce a preview of Azure IoT Edge tools for Visual Studio 2017. Azure IoT Edge is a fully managed service that delivers cloud intelligence locally by deploying and running artificial intelligence (AI), Azure services, and custom logic directly on cross-platform IoT devices. This preview offers the ability to create ...

Azure IoT Toolkit supports C#, Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python and Ruby to develop Azure IoT application in VS Code

With the latest release of Azure IoT Toolkit, lots of popular languages are supported to quickly create an Azure IoT application in VS Code: C#, Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python and Ruby! (Note: For C#, Java, Node.js and Python, it is based on Azure IoT Hub SDK, while for Go, PHP and Ruby, it is based on Azure IoT Hub REST API.) What's your ...

Azure IoT Workbench now supports ESP32 devices

In April this year, we released our first public preview of Azure IoT Workbench in Visual Studio Code, an IoT development environment aims to make it easy to code, build, deploy and debug your IoT project for MXChip IoT DevKit. From this one DevKit, we gradually add more popular Azure supported development kits such as teXXmo IoT Button. ...

Azure IoT Toolkit 1.1.0 for VS Code released: Welcome page, generate SAS token, deploy Edge device at scale and more!

Shortly after GA of Azure IoT Toolkit for VS Code, We are pleased to announce that the 1.1.0 release of the Azure IoT Toolkit extension for Visual Studio Code is now available from the marketplace. You can download the Azure IoT Toolkit extension from the marketplace, or install it directly from the extension gallery in Visual Studio Code. Let...

New Azure IoT services supported by IoT DevKit

It's been around 4 months since we release our official hardware and SDK as v1.0 last September right on Ignite 2017. In that event, the MXChip IoT DevKit was used on a couple of Azure IoT break-out and keynote sessions for demonstrations and together with announcement with new services released such as IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service. And...