IoT Developer
Tooling and Experience
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Advanced authoring for Digital Twins models now in Visual Studio and VS Code
Announcing a new extension to help you editing Digital Twins Definition Language or DTDL documents, including intellisense and validation.
Standalone Azure IoT EdgeHub Dev Tool (iotedgehubdev) Introduction
As an IoT developer, when you work with Azure IoT Edge project, one of the issues you might have is that you would like to debug your Edge modules locally ...
Easily send random generated D2C messages to IoT Hub with Azure IoT Hub Tools
Z, a software engineer, developed an application about a smart home assistant using Azure IoT service, and he wonders if the application works fine. He want to ...
Visual Studio Cloud Explorer now supports Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service
In the world of IoT, there’re many device provisioning scenarios. For example, solution providers would expect a zero-touch provisioning to a single IoT ...
Debug Azure IoT Edge C# Remote Linux Module Container with Visual Studio 2019 Version 16.3
With the 16.3 release of Visual Studio 2019, it starts to support debugging C# in Linux docker containers. This new feature can help developers easily debug ...
Convert your docker-compose Project to Azure IoT Edge Solution
If you are a container expert, you may want to port your existing compose application to Azure IoT Edge. We are glad to introduce iotedge-compose to help ...
Azure IoT DevOps Projects now General Available to help you easily initialize a CI/CD ready IoT Edge project
With the shift of modern software development, developers need to do more than ever. Having a CI/CD pipeline could help developers deliver value faster and more...
Develop and debug ARM64 IoT Edge modules in Visual Studio Code (preview)
Develop and debug ARM64 IoT Edge modules in Visual Studio Code With the release of IoT Edge 1.0.8, developers can preview the IoT Edge support on ARM64 IoT ...
Containerized tool chain to simplify IoT device development
Use containerized device tool chain in Azure IoT Device Workbench to simplify device tool chain acquisition challenge.