Showing results for development tools - IoT Developer

Sep 24, 2019

Debug Azure IoT Edge C# Remote Linux Module Container with Visual Studio 2019 Version 16.3

Renlong Tu
Renlong Tu

With the 16.3 release of Visual Studio 2019, it starts to support debugging C# in Linux docker containers. This new feature can help developers easily debug remote Azure IoT Edge C# Linux module container. Let’s see how it works. Prerequisites Setup Your Linux machine Setup Your Development Machine Debug...

AzureAzure IoT HubAzure iot
Sep 20, 2019

Convert your docker-compose Project to Azure IoT Edge Solution

Xin Shi
Xin Shi

If you are a container expert, you may want to port your existing compose application to Azure IoT Edge. We are glad to introduce iotedge-compose to help convert your docker-compose project to Azure IoT Edge. Let us see how it works. Prerequisites Install the Tool and Convert a Sample Project Build...

IoT EdgeAzure IoT Edgedevelopment tools
May 21, 2019

Debug IoT Edge C / C# Windows Module Container with Visual Studio Azure IoT Edge Tools

Renlong Tu
Renlong Tu

Azure IoT Edge Tools (Preview) for Visual Studio 2017 allows you to easily develop and debug Azure IoT Edge modules locally. To learn how to use this extension to develop and debug Edge module locally, you can refer these documents: Easily Develop and Debug Azure IoT Edge C Modules with Azure IoT Edge Tools Use Visual Studio 2017 to develop ...

Internet of ThingsAzure IoT HubAzure iot
Jan 10, 2019

New year, new experience and new sample for Azure IoT Device Workbench

Liya (Liki) Du
Liya (Liki) Du

Together with the new Azure IoT Tools for VS Code extension pack, we also overhauled the experience of Azure IoT Device Workbench. And there is another exciting sample contributed by Chris Lovett (Github) from Microsoft Research about running Embedded Learning Library (ELL) on MXChip IoT DevKit to achieve the keyword spotting locally.

IoTInternet of ThingsVisual Studio Code
Sep 1, 2017

Handy Tool When You Develop With Azure IoT

Zhidi Shang
Zhidi Shang

IoT Application Development is naturally more complicated than regular application development, in that even the simplest E2E IoT application involves a long chain from device layer, to communication layer, then to the cloud and beyond. This makes the development especially the testing and debugging difficult. Even though there are corresponding ...

IoTInternet of ThingsAzure IoT Hub
