Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

Java Experience Futures (January 2016)

Over the next several months, our Visual Studio Team Foundation (VSTS) Java teams are focusing on new essential developer workflows for our IntelliJ plugin and a simplification of our authentication checks and getting-started improvements for our Eclipse plugin, Team Explorer Everywhere (TEE).The list below is only an indication of direction ...

6 Great Webinars including: Building a DevOps practice step-by-step

(Editors note: due to the popularity two new “Unleash your DevOps Practices” were added)   (image) Northwest Cadence and Rennie Araucto are offering a bunch of great webinars to bring in your Holidays and New Year. Unleash you DevOps potential with Visual Studio Enterprise! Attend our webcast to discover how an organization ...

Creating Load Test Plugins for Cloud-based Load Test

This week I have had two questions that involved the need to create a load test plugin.   In the latest scenario the person wanted Cloud-based load test to ramp up the user count randomly. Yes plugins work the same for both on-premises and Cloud-based load testing.  In this post i will walk through creating a load test plugin that randomly...

Announcing Public Preview for Performance/Load testing of Azure Webapp

Poor performance is one of the largest causes of lost business on the Internet. Companies are increasingly more concerned with losing business (like during the upcoming Holiday season) due to insufficient capacity sale and most/all development teams want to measure their applications performance BEFORE it hits production. With the newly ...

Load Testing from different geographies with Cloud-based load testing

Last week I was asked a pretty common question: “How do you generate and distribute load in a Performance Test across different geographic locations” This person knows our load Testing features well and knew about the new location picker (see below). (image) What they we were looking for in this dialog is a multi select and a slider ...

Supplying Run Time Parameters to Tests

Tests broadly classified as integration tests or functional tests are often in need to connect to external app resource (web application, API front end, or a DB tier) to drive validations. Maintaining lifecycle of such tests from the environment where it’s authored (dev machine with VS) to all the other places where they might be consumed (...

IntelliTest – hands on

In practical terms, white box unit test development includes an iterative workflow informed by code coverage - write a unit test, see what parts of the code are not covered by the test, write more tests to cover those parts, repeat until all of the code is covered – a workflow not different from what we would use while working with ...

Collecting Advanced Agent Diagnostics Data in Cloud-based Load Test

With Visual Studio Enterprise Edition 2015 RTM, you can now collect advanced diagnostics for your cloud-based load test as part of your run itself. It is often observed that debugging on cloud is a bit difficult as the machines are not directly accessible to the user. It is not possible to collect logs or any other information from the test ...

Getting Application Insights counters with Cloud-based Load Testing

Cloud-based Load Testing with Visual Studio Online helps to identify the application performance issues under a certain user load. You can configure the load test with Application Insights counters in addition to the load test counters. This will enable you to compare and contrast both load test counters and server counters and figure out the...