Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

Run your CI with Jenkins and CD with Azure DevOps

Azure release pipelines provide you with the first-class experience to integrate with Jenkins. You can have Jenkins as your Continuous Integration (CI) system and use Azure DevOps Release for your Continuous Deployment (CD) and get all the benefits of Azure DevOps like: In this example you will build a Java web app ...

DevOps for Blockchain Apps

Blockchain has emerged from the shadow of its cryptocurrency origins to be seen as a transformative data technology that can power the next generation of software for multi-party Enterprise and consumer scenarios.  With the trust and transparency that blockchain can deliver, this shared data technology is seen as a disruptor that can ...

Xcode 8.0-8.3.2 deprecation on Azure Pipelines hosted agents

This September, Azure Pipelines delivered Microsoft-hosted build support for Xcode 10 on the day it was released. Now that our community builds fewer than 1 percent of apps with older versions of Xcode 8, we will focus on supporting Xcode 8.3.3 and higher. Effective November 28, 2018, we are ending support for older versions of Xcode on ...

Test Analytics in Azure Pipelines is now at your fingertips

You have walked the right path, adopted DevOps, setup tools for CI and CD and embraced continuous testing all the way in your software development process. Are you done? Keeping the pipeline healthy and making it effective is KEY to your DevOps ongoing journey. Some time back we introduced Analytics in Azure Pipeline with Top failing tests ...

Azure DevOps Projects general availability

During our Connect(); 2017 event, we announced the public preview of Azure DevOps Projects to help customers start running applications on any Azure service in just three steps. Today, we're excited to announce that Azure DevOps Projects is now generally available in the Azure Portal, making it easier for developers to deploy to the ...

Azure DevOps Project: New feature additions

Since we announced Azure DevOps Projects at the Connect conference late last year, we've been hard at work to make it as easy as possible to get set up with a fully functioning DevOps pipeline for your team in a few short steps – regardless of what platform you build your applications in and which features you want to use in Azure. We have ...

Deployment Groups is now generally available: sharing of targets and more…

We are excited to announce that Deployment Groups is out of preview and is now generally available. Deployment Groups is a robust out-of-the-box multi-machine deployment feature of Release Management in VSTS/TFS.  What are Deployment Groups? With Deployment Groups, you can orchestrate deployments across multiple servers and perform rolling...

Cloud-hosted Mac agents for CI/CD pipelines

Removing barriers to DevOps in the cloud Teams developing software for Apple devices have limited options when migrating to the cloud. Because such apps must be built on Macs, and because there are few cloud-hosted Mac offerings, many teams are forced to provide their own Mac hardware for CI/CD while the rest of their DevOps are hosted in the...

Introducing Azure DevOps Project

In today’s world, organizations need to innovate and get to market faster. This requires learning latest technologies, using them in your product and deploying at a faster pace. Adopting Azure is one such scenario. Existing on-premise apps are getting migrated to Azure and new applications are getting developed to take advantage of Azure ...

Announcing “Azure DevOps Project” public preview

In today’s world, organizations need to innovate and get to market faster. That needs learning latest technologies, using them in your product and deploying at a faster pace with Continuous Delivery enabled from day1. We are happy to announce the public preview of Azure DevOps Project. Azure DevOps Project helps you launch an app on the ...