July 12th, 2018

Azure DevOps Projects general availability

Atul Malaviya
Principal Program Manager

During our Connect(); 2017 event, we announced the public preview of Azure DevOps Projects to help customers start running applications on any Azure service in just three steps.

Today, we’re excited to announce that Azure DevOps Projects is now generally available in the Azure Portal, making it easier for developers to deploy to the Azure cloud and create CI/CD pipelines with pre-configured resources and best practices.

Once you select an application language, a runtime, and an Azure service, Azure DevOps Projects sets up everything you need for developing, deploying, and monitoring your application, including:

  • All necessary Azure resources
  • Git repository with application code
  • Automated CI/CD pipeline
  • Application Insights integration for monitoring applications
  • A DevOps Project dashboard that lets you monitor code commits, builds and, deployments, from a single view in the Azure portal
  • A VSTS account and Project

We’ve incorporated your feedback from our public preview and have continued to add features to DevOps Project. Using DevOps Projects, you can now deploy not only to Web App (Container, Windows, Linux) but also to Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Service Fabric Mesh, Virtual Machines and Azure SQL Database. We have also added support for Ruby and Go in addition to .NET, .NET Core, Java, PHP, Node, and Python.

We will continue our commitment to Azure DevOps Projects to ensure app deployment is fast and painless for every developer who uses our platform, regardless of their framework or chosen Azure resources.

Go ahead and create an Azure DevOps Project today.

For more information, please visit https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/features/devops-projects/ and for documentation visit https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops-project/.


Atul Malaviya
Principal Program Manager

Product Management, DevOps, Programming


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