Showing results for Team Foundation Server - Buck Hodges

Oct 20, 2008

TFS 2008 SP1: New setting to delete a build without deleting the build label

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

We've heard from a few customers that they would prefer not to have the build labels deleted when builds are deleted.  In Team Foundation Server 2008 SP1 we added a feature to control whether build labels are deleted when the build is deleted.  This feature is really a stop-gap measure, and it changes the behavior for build deletion on ...

Team Foundation ServerTeam Build
Oct 19, 2008

TFS Build 2010: Build summary screen shots

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

The build summary view (sometimes called the build report) in TFS 2005 and 2008 leaves a lot to be desired.  We wanted to rework it in TFS 2008 but lacked the time.  Well, we've completely revamped it for TFS 2010. Chris Burrows has posted screen shots he captured from Jim Lamb's interview and screencast on TFS Build 2010 (it's basically...

Team Foundation ServerTeam Build
Oct 18, 2008

Pre-checkin validation tool for Team Foundation Build 2008: TFS Check-in Validation Tool

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

Mohammad Jalloul, a developer on the Developer Division Engineering team, has released a new tool on CodePlex called TFS Check-in Validation Tool.  This tool provides the ability to have a checkin validating by a build prior to being checked in.  This is similar to a feature in TFS 2010 called Gated Checkin, which is integrated into VS ...

Team Foundation ServerTeam Build
Oct 18, 2008

Improving the performance of the work item tracking client with TFS 2008 SP1

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

Martin Woodward has written a great post that describes a feature that was added in TFS 2008 SP1 to reduce the amount of work item tracking metadata cached by the client.  Depending on the number of team projects on your server and the number of fields and rules used by all work item types, this could result in a nice performance gain, ...

Team Foundation ServerWork Item Tracking
Oct 14, 2008

How to set up TFS 2008 SP1 to use TSWA links in checkin notification emails

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

One of the new features available in TFS 2008 SP1 is that a TSWA URL can be configured in the server so that checkin notification emails will have links to the Team System Web Access page for the changeset, which allows you to see the diffs for each of the changes. You can find the documentation for this feature at How to: Configure Work Item ...

Team Foundation ServerSource ControlWork Item Tracking
Oct 1, 2008

Visual Studio Team System 2010 Week on Channel 9!

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

Brian Keller has recorded a series of interviews, some of which include demos, that are being published on Channel 9.  You can find them at Visual Studio Team System 2010 Week on Channel 9.     Some of the videos have already been posted.  Be sure to check the page periodically or subscribe to the RSS feed to keep up with ...

Team Foundation ServerSource ControlTeam Build
Sep 19, 2008

CodePlex launches support for TortoiseSVN

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

The CodePlex team has announced that CodePlex now supports TortoiseSVN "natively."  In their blog post they explain that they are running the SVNBridge on their server, so there's no need to install anything on the client other than TortoiseSVN.Technorati Tags: team foundation server,subversion,svn,tortoise,codeplex...

Team Foundation ServerSource Control
Aug 29, 2008

Team System Web Access 2008 SP1 is now available!

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

We've now released the final version of TSWA 2008 SP1, which had previously been released as a community technology preview (CTP).  There are some fantastic new features in this release, including the ability for users without CALs to create work items. Also, this release includes 10 languages: Japanese, Korean, Spanish, German, French, ...

Team Foundation ServerSource ControlTeam System Web Access
Aug 28, 2008

Automation with MSBuild 3.5 and Team Build 2008 recording is now available

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

Charles Sterling announced a new interactive forum called MVP TV earlier this month.  The first event was Automation with MSBuild 3.5 and Team Build 2008.  Now the recording for this event is available. The debut of MVP TV Attendance: 92 attendees Thursday, August 21st, 2008 | 9:00am – 10:00am (PDT, Redmond time) ...

Team Foundation ServerTeam BuildMSBuild
Jul 16, 2008

July 2008 release of the power tools for TFS 2008 is now available

Buck Hodges
Buck Hodges

The download is available at Brian recently wrote a post about the new features: This release also includes some bug fixes to the build notification...

Team Foundation ServerSource ControlTeam Build