Xamarin Blog

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Image GradientGalleryPage
Jayme Singleton
Jayme Singleton
Apr 6, 2020

Magic Gradients: Beautiful Backgrounds in Xamarin.Forms

Magic Gradients is a NuGet that provide a possibility to add beautiful and enhanced gradients into Xamarin.Forms applications. Here is a quick taste of what you can do with the library using it as a separate layer or background.

Screenshot of the iOS Simulator showing an example of custom font usage with embedded fonts on iOS
Gerald Versluis
Gerald Versluis
Apr 3, 2020

Embedded Fonts: Custom Fonts in Xamarin.Forms

Embedded fonts means no more platform-specific handling of fonts or adding font files in three different projects. In this post we will see how to use this in Xamarin.Forms 4.5.530 and up.

Image of different Xamarin Live Streamers
James Montemagno
James Montemagno
Apr 1, 2020

Virtual Xamarin and .NET Events in April

Find an awesome virtual Xamarin community user group, live-stream, community stand-up, or binge past events this April. If you are a user group leader we also have great resources to help you start up a virtual event for your user group. Learn more!

Image of a web authenticator flow starting with the mobile app, calling the ASP.NET Backend, then to an external provider that handles the main oAuth flow and returns a token back to the ASP.NET controller and then back to the mobile application.
Jon Dick
Jon Dick
Mar 30, 2020

Social Authentication with Xamarin.Essentials and ASP.NET Core

Many apps require adding user authentication, and this often means enabling your users to sign in their existing Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and now Apple Sign In accounts. With Xamarin.Essentials' new WebAuthenticator and using ASP.NET Core on your backend it has never been easier. Learn more!

Image mushrooms
Jayme Singleton
Jayme Singleton
Mar 27, 2020

Android Image Classification with TensorFlow Lite & Azure Custom Vision Service

Image Classification allows our Xamarin apps to recognize objects in a photo. This article will walkthrough how to implement using Azure's Custom Vision Service, TensorFlow Lite (an open source machine learning platform) and Xamarin.Android.

Javier Suárez
Javier Suárez
Mar 25, 2020

Increase Binding Possibilities with RelativeSource

RelativeSource is a markup extension that is used to bind a property of a given element to another property of the element itself. This articles shares examples, documentation, and more!

Inverter Converter and Xamarin.Forms 4.7
Matt Soucoup
Matt Soucoup
Mar 20, 2020

Xamarin Podcast: Let’s Focus on Xamarin!

Keeping up with the latest in .NET, C#, Xamarin, and Azure is easier than ever. Co-hosts Matt Soucoup and James Montemagno cover a range of topics relevant to Xamarin developers from designing mobile apps to identity management. In this month’s episode James and Matt pull out all the stops and really Focus on Xamarin.

Image customprofile
Jon Douglas
Jon Douglas
Mar 19, 2020

Faster Application Startup using Custom Profiles with Startup Tracing on Android

Developers today can already take advantage of Startup Tracing to improve the startup time of their Android apps. Today, I will show you a new feature that let's you build a custom profile to be used for your app with Startup Tracing that finely tunes and optimizes your apps startup.

Xamarin Conf 6 Days Aways
James Montemagno
James Montemagno
Mar 17, 2020

.NET Conf: Focus On Xamarin is Next Week!

We are just one week away from the largest Xamarin digital event of the year, .NET Conf: Focus on Xamarin! Join us live on Channel 9, YouTube, & Twitch for a full day of Xamarin awesome!

