· How long have you been using VB?
I started off with Access 03 back in 1994 and moved into Visual Studio just last year when it was suggested to me.
· What industry do you work in?
I work in the Emergency Communications Area. We...
Website: WWW.TAKAFUL.COM.PK · How long have you been using VB?LAST 6 YEARS · What industry do you work in?IT · How big is your development team?20 · ...
Website: http://www.alibidar.com · How long have you been using VB?4 years · What industry do you work in?web developing · How big is your development team?i wo...
Website: http://www.divinglog.de · How long have you been using VB?Since 1996 · What industry do you work in?Software Developer · How big is your development team?1 (myself...
· How long have you been using VB?5 years · What industry do you work in?Accounts, Procurement, Payroll, Management Systems. · How big is your development team?more than 30 ...
Website: http://www.mikehillman.com · How long have you been using VB?18 years · What industry do you work in?IT Consulting · How big is your development team?1...
Website: www.ece.rutgers.edu/~maparker
· How long have you been using VB?
I have used VB since2003 for scientific applications in the laboratory. Up until about 1994, I had primarily used the 'structured languages' (and assemly) and decided it was time for an update after a 10 year hiatus.
Website: http://cracklinhot.com · How long have you been using VB?I think it was VB.3 that I started with. As I recall you weren't even able to connect to a DB back then. Its amazing how much I've had to discard over the years as VB evolved into its current renditio...