· How long have you been using VB?
I started off with Access 03 back in 1994 and moved into Visual Studio just last year when it was suggested to me.
· What industry do you work in?
I work in the Emergency Communications Area. We handle many hospital calls for security, in-house emergencies, Air and ground patient and scene responses, and most of the different types of hospital responses including engineering and housekeeping, and HAZ-MAT.
· How big is your development team?
There are two of us. Myself and a co-worker named Zach.
· What kind of apps do you most commonly build?
Right now we have only built Windows Applications using VB 2008 and are starting some web development.
· What’s the most interesting app you’ve ever built?
The most interesting application has to be the Call-Handler we named E-COMM. Since it was built by two of us who have spent several years in Emergency Communications it allowed us to insert our knowledge into the program. Now Communicators have demonstrated the ability to put emergency responses out much faster and much more accuratly than before. Administration loves the system because of the reports interface we put in place. At last count we had over 130 types of crystal reports allowing practically any data in any format. This same type of system allows us to track transports conducted by our ambulances and helicopter down to the second. All our data is housed on a SQL server backed up every night on solid state.
· Please tell us about an app that you’re working on at the moment.
Currently we are working to bring four seperate programs together under one log in and interface. Our goal is to be in beta by January with the full system. We hope to include Silverlight into the system.
· What other technologies do you most commonly use?
Still being new to the programmming side I still learning. I would say SQL is becoming my bread and Butter.
· What are some of your favorite VB features?
IntelliSense is the greatest thing ever. I have become so used to it and not typing out full words anymore I find myself doing that when typing a letter.
· What do you like most about VB as a programming language?
VB was my first programming language. I found learning it to be easy, useful, and logical in its design. I think if I would of started in another langauge first I may have lost interest.
For other interviews in this series, please visit http://imavb.net.