Showing results for November 2007 - Page 2 of 2 - Visual Basic Blog

Nov 13, 2007

One is the Loneliest Number (Matt Gertz)

Anthony D. Green [MSFT]
Anthony D. Green [MSFT]

(This post assumes that you’ve read my previous post on Windows Media at â€“ I will be modifying that code in this post.) After posting my media player blog sample a couple of weeks ago, I got a few questions from a reader called Saleem on how to adapt it to take ...

Nov 13, 2007

Don Box on Visual Basic 9 (Beth Massi)

Beth Massi
Beth Massi

It looks like Don Box is really liking Visual Basic 9 and it's unique XML support, LINQ query syntax, and lambdas. He even mentions in a post about authentication with REST that his dream stack would be doing direct XML payload programming with Visual Basic 9. There's so many interesting things you can do with VB9 and XML. If you want to get starte...

Nov 8, 2007

Creating Visual Basic Add-ins for Windows Home Server (Beth Massi)

Beth Massi
Beth Massi

We recently announced the availability of Windows Home Server. Here's an interview on Channel 9 with Dev Lead, Chris Gray, where he talks about the extensibility model and then walks through how to create an add-in for the Home Server console using Visual Basic Express. A couple people on the thread have also posted VB templates t...

Nov 8, 2007

Channel 9 Interview: Type Inference in Visual Basic with Bill Horst (Beth Massi)

Beth Massi
Beth Massi

I just posted an interview on Channel 9 with Bill Horst, a member of the Visual Basic QA team. Bill shows us the ins and outs type inference in the newest version of Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2008. He shows us how the new Option Infer works and how various types are inferred by the compiler without having to explicitly declare them.&n...

Nov 6, 2007

LINQ Cookbook, Recipe 10: Pre-compiling Queries for Performance (Doug Rothaus)


Ingredients:·         Visual Studio 2008 (Beta2 or Higher) Categories: LINQ to SQL Introduction:As we add cookbook entries, we will include performance improvement tips where appropriate. Here’s a tip that you can use with LINQ to SQL to speed up queries that you will call numerous time...

Nov 5, 2007

Petzold Chapter 3 (Young Joo)

Anthony D. Green [MSFT]
Anthony D. Green [MSFT]

I am Young Joo, PM @ VB team.  I will be helping out Patrick on converting samples in Charles Petzold's WPF book (Applications = Code + Markup) to Visual Basic.  This is an exciting project and I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.  Another exciting news is that we have an extra help for this project.  Evan Lim who currently te...

Nov 3, 2007

Refactoring in Action (Lisa Feigenbaum)

Lisa Feigenbaum
Lisa Feigenbaum

Have you downloaded the latest Refactoring tools from Developer Express? There is a free version available on the Visual Basic Developer Center. Once you download, you will discover a number of cool capabilities you can now do in the Visual Basic IDE. When used to the fullest, it can really change the way you code!VB super-user Kim has created...

Nov 2, 2007

New Community Article – Using Business Objects with WCF (Beth Massi)

Beth Massi
Beth Massi

There's a new article up on the VB Dev Center by Rob Windsor, a follow up from his first Getting Started with WCF article, called Using Custom Business Objects with Windows Communication Foundation. Rob explains how to serialize your own custom business objects using WCF DataContracts and what issues you may run into in Visual Studio 2005. Check it...

Nov 1, 2007

New Visual Basic LINQ to XML Videos Released! (Beth Massi)

Beth Massi
Beth Massi

We just released a new set of How-Do-I videos in our LINQ series on LINQ to XML in Visual Basic. These 4 new videos will help get you up to speed on using this new language feature in Visual Basic 2008. They walk you through the basics of LINQ to XML, creating, querying and transforming documents as well as how to import XML namespaces and inf...