Have you downloaded the latest Refactoring tools from Developer Express? There is a free version available on the Visual Basic Developer Center. Once you download, you will discover a number of cool capabilities you can now do in the Visual Basic IDE. When used to the fullest, it can really change the way you code!
VB super-user Kim has created a video which demonstrates just that point: http://www.renaissance.co.il/downloads.aspx. (It’s the download called “Coding Model-View-Presenter with CodeRush and Refactor Pro!”). In the video, Kim goes through the process of creating a Model-View-Presenter (MVP) mail app, and uses the refactoring tools to evolve his code as he goes. Kim has created a blog post to describe his experience creating the video too. VB MVP Jackie Goldstein has also blogged about his experience asking Kim to create this video for an Israel Visual Basic User Group presentation.
Check it out, and learn how to start saving yourself some time! 🙂
~ Lisa Feigenbaum, VB IDE Program Manager
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