Scripting Blog [archived]
Formerly known as the "Hey, Scripting Guy!" blog
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PowerShell PowerTip: What is the point of Out-Variable?
A lot of times people see others using the common parameter -OutVariable instead of the best practice $var = <value>. This leads to a lot of folks ...
PowerTip: Turn off the power to your computer with PowerShell
I’ve got a script that needs to power off a system after it’s done. How can I accomplish this with PowerShell?
Parse HTML and pass to Cognitive Services Text-to-Speech
Having some fun with Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s on first?” comedy routine, and multiple voices with Bing Speech.
PowerShell PowerTip: What you should know about streams
PowerShell has a concept called Streams, which are the different places data can go (output, error, verbose, etc). You usually don't have to worry too much ...
Regular Expressions (REGEX): Introduction
Hi all, this week I'll be talking about Regular Expressions. I've got a few posts planned to get you set up and going with some basic Regex. Regex is used ...
PowerTip: Determine your version of PowerShell and host operating system
Identify your PowerShell environment by making use of built-in PowerShell variables.
Windows PowerShell and the Text-to-Speech REST API (Part 5)
Send and receive content to the Text-to-Speech API with PowerShell.
PowerShell PowerTip: Checking your PowerShell version
If there is one question I could say I get the most in PowerShell, it is: How do I check my version? Its not a hard thing, but its not an obvious thing. We ...
PowerShell For Programmers: Here Strings, There Strings, Everywhere Some String Strings
There won't be much code in today's post, but this can be a useful feature to know about. In addition to the expandable and literal strings we talked about, ...