Microsoft 365 Developer Blog

A developer platform for building collaborative apps for hybrid work

Adding bot support to a Kaizala group

In this post, I'll explore on how you can integrate a bot with a Kaizala group. Bot aids a lot of scenarios and can be a part of the conversations and adding value. In a regular group, the messages are received and seen by all users, and can result in a chatty experience. Public groups (managed hub and spoke groups) are well suited for this scenario where the user or subscriber types in a query allowing a bot to respond – while keeping these out of the purview of other users in the group. In order to implement this, following are the steps that will take you through this experience.

Exploring Kaizala card view scenarios

In the Developing a custom action for Kaizala blog post, I introduced Kaizala custom actions – which has 4 views (creation view, chat card view, response view and results / summary view). In this post, I'll explore different scenarios where each of the views can be used for a different purpose. While this post intends to give you an idea of card view customization and not an exhaustive list! Your creativity can take you way beyond. ????

Developing a custom action for Kaizala

Kaizala ships with many actions out of box allowing you to get work done within the context of a conversation or group. Few of them are surveys, quick poll, request location, announcement, etc. But there could be a case(s) where these are not sufficient for your business or requirements and you may want to build your own action. Kaizala platform allows you to extend the client side functionality through custom actions (or cards). There are 2 ways you can create a custom action:

Customer ticketing solution on Kaizala

In this post, I will be exploring on how to get a customer support ticket management system on Kaizala. Instead of sending multiple text messages to give an update on the ticket status, we could just have a rich card that provides the ticket status. And, when there is a change in status, the card could be updated to reflect the latest status.