Showing results for Computer Vision - ISE Developer Blog

Sep 27, 2021

Detecting “Action” and “Cut” in Archival Footage Using a Multi-model Computer Vision and Audio Approach with Azure Cognitive Services

Nile Wilson
Nile Wilson

Movies and TV shows require multiple takes per scene and may have a substantial amount of archival footage as a result. Here, we use Azure Cognitive Services and custom code to develop a multi-model Machine Learning (ML) solution to automatically detect discardable footage to save media companies manual archiving hours and storage space.

CSEMachine LearningCognitive Services
Sep 20, 2021

Building an Action Detection Scoring Pipeline for Digital Dailies

Samuel Mendenhall
Samuel Mendenhall

Media companies capture footage filmed for the entire day in what's known as ‘digital dailies’. When talking about terabytes and petabytes of content, storage costs can be a factor. Lets explore Machine Learning approaches to identify which content can be archived or discarded which will save on those storage costs.

CSEMachine LearningCognitive Services
Jul 9, 2018

Deploying a Batch AI Cluster for Distributed Deep Learning Model Training

Stephanie Marker
Stephanie Marker

Microsoft and Land O'Lakes partnered to develop an automated solution to identify sustainable farming practices given thousands of satellite images of Iowan farms. Our primary goal was to reduce the reliance on manual interviewing of farmers and make it more profitable for farmers to follow sustainable farming practices. To tackle this issue our te...

Machine LearningContainers
May 17, 2018

Using Otsu’s method to generate data for training of deep learning image segmentation models

Clemens Wolff
Clemens Wolff

In this article, we introduce a technique to rapidly pre-label training data for image segmentation models such that annotators no longer have to painstakingly hand-annotate every pixel of interest in an image. The approach is implemented in Python and OpenCV and extensible to any image segmentation task that aims to identify a subset of visually d...

Machine Learning
Apr 10, 2017

Object Detection Using Microsoft CNTK

Nadav Bar
Nadav Bar

Creating an object detection model using Microsoft's open source deep learning framework CNTK and its implementation of Fast-RCNN.

Machine Learning
Apr 10, 2017

End to End Object Detection in a Box

Ari Bornstein
Ari Bornstein

Building a video tagging tool on top of CNTK to enable developers to create, review and iterate object detection models.

Machine Learning