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Azure DevOps Blog
DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps
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Change in Azure Pipelines Grant for Private Projects

Azure Pipelines has been offering free CI/CD to customers since the beginning. This allows people trying out Azure DevOps to use nearly all our features, including Microsoft-hosted agents, without having to pay us anything. We offer 1800 free minutes per month on hosted agents to all projects, and 10 parallel jobs to open source projects. Earlier this year, we announced a change in the process for getting the free tier in public projects. That change was made to handle the abuse of hosted agent pools and to protect the interests of existing customers. While that effort has been successful in stopping abuse from ...

On Prem To the Cloud: Everything As Code (Ep 4)
And we are back! Now that Abel and Damian have shown us how to build a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline for the application and database, we've gained a bit of time back in our calendar (those manual deploys were taking a lot of time since our dev team got all Agile on us...). Jay helped Abel migrate the application environment into Azure and it's time to start taking advantage of the flexibility of cloud provisioning. One of the greatest advantages of working in the cloud is that so many physical tasks have become API calls - which makes Infrastructure as Code very powerful. A Prac...

Learn Live – Scale your cloud resources with elasticity

One of the best parts of being an Azure Cloud Advocate is the community interaction with people just getting their feet wet in the world of tech. I was recently asked to take part in the Learn Live series of live streams to help people take their first steps in understanding why elasticity makes the cloud move. All of these sessions are based on Microsoft Learn modules that can provide you with the skills to start becoming a cloud pro. This time, we cover the "Scale your cloud resources with elasticity" Microsoft Learn module. In this session, I am joined by Dwitrisha Saha, Microsoft Student Ambassador, to dig...

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.03.12
Happy Friday! It's March in Wisconsin and most of the snow has melted away, uncovering a number of blog posts on interesting topics.

DevOps Fireside Chats Feb 2021 – Infrastructure as Code

Azure DevOps Fireside Chats is an opportunity to talk with DevOps professionals about a different subject every month. In February we discussed Infrastructure as Code (IaC). IaC helps codify your IT solutions allowing you to specify everything you need in a declarative manner. Watch a conversation between April Edwards, Jay Gordon, Steven Murawski, and Puppet Labs Eric Sorenson as they try to answer questions on IaC from the Azure Community. 2:50 - Introductions 14:39 - What are the benefits of Project Bicep over Azure Resource Manager templates? 22:00 - What strategy is best for engaging people to use IaC? ...

Mitigating leaked personal access tokens (PATs) found on GitHub public repositories

Announcing the automatic discovery and mitigation for leaked Azure DevOps personal Access Tokens (PATs) found on GitHub

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.03.05

This week's top community posts cover many great topics such as PowerShell code testing within a pipeline, automated publishing for Azure Data Factory pipelines, container image creation and Azure Container Registry upload via pipelines, and more! Have a look!

AzureFunBytes – Intro to Agile Development with Abel Wang

Is DevOps Agile? Is Agile DevOps? Wait a sec... what is Agile? That's the question we'll answer this week on AzureFunBytes. Every week we try to tackle a subject that covers the foundations of using Azure. This week we'll look into Agile Development with none other than the rock god and Principal Cloud Advocate, Abel Wang. Software development has come a long way, with new languages, new tools, and tons of processes for us to follow to deliver value to our customers. Agile development focuses on the delivery of features to our users by focusing on smaller, collaborative efforts. Unlike methods such as waterfall,...

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.02.26
Happy Friday! It is still February in Wisconsin and I'm buried in snow. Despite the cold temps and weather, I'm keeping warm inside and enjoying these great community contributions.