Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

Upgrade to MSTest V2!

MSTest V2 has crossed 1 Million downloads. Congratulations! Hats off to the community! MSTest V2 is seeing robust usage. We ourselves use it heavily. If you are still using an earlier version of the MSTest framework, we encourage you to upgrade. (image) We have looked at the uptake of MSTest V2 from the perspective of two constituencies, ...

Visual Studio Test Platform – upcoming changes to data collectors

Having executed a test - at a minimum - we want to know the outcome. But beyond that, we may want to know more. Data collectors and loggers are the key extension mechanisms intended to provide this and other such details for rich reporting. Data collectors and loggers generate information based on listening to events raised during test ...

The TestContainer Capability

Updating off pre-RTM bits once RTM ships ought to be routine. But if you have not already done so in the case of the .NET Core based Test projects, let me give you a reason to do so. vstest delegates discovery and execution of tests to test-framework-specific adapters. Adapters indicate the kind of test containers that they can process – ...

Extending MSTest V2

APIs are assets. As developers we learn them, write to them, and – if the API are extensible – we grow them. An extensible API removes barriers to introducing new abstractions closer to our own domains. Once such abstractions are in place, they in turn allow us to work with the underlying framework in a more fluent manner. Extensibility ...

Accelerated Continuous Testing with Test Impact Analysis – Part 3

At its core, TIA collects, and subsequently consults, a map of the dynamic dependencies of each test method as it is executing. As the test method is executing it will cover various methods - the source file in which those methods reside are the dynamic dependencies that get tracked. So, the mapping ends up like the following: and so on...