Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

Deep Dive on Configure Features

Upgrading is hard. We have heard a lot of comments about the pain that people had to deal with during the upgrade of the team projects from TFS 2008 to TFS 2010. For TFS 2012 we make this upgrade much easier for customers with none to limited customizations with a wizard. This post is in addition to the documentation on MSDN, and will go ...

Set the current iteration in your queries

On User Voice there is a request to be able to query on the current iteration. We have it on our backlog, but it won't ship it for Dev11. However there is a workaround, found by Mark Michaelis, that you can use to avoid having to update all your work item queries if the team moves to the next sprint. The idea of the workaround is the following...

TFS Integration Tools – March 2012 Release

Last month the team silently released a new release of the TFS Integration Tools on the Visual Studio Gallery, which now includes support for Team Foundation Server 11 and Team Foundation Service. (image) (image) The list of resolved bugs which we received from the community and from internal dogfooding environments is substantial: General...

Build on the Team Foundation Service

Today we are pleased to enable another great capability of Team Foundation Server on the Team Foundation Service Preview, Build. With the introduction of build we are combining the power and flexibility of Team Build with the low friction setup of the Team Foundation Service and continuing our efforts to provide the most powerful cloud based ...

Changing the default number of tasks displayed on the taskboard

Whether you've installed the beta or signed up for the hosted service, you've probably seen the new taskboard feature, one of the new planning and tracking tools. Hopefully you've started playing with all these tools, adding items to your backlog, creating tasks, and moving tasks from one state to another. Maybe you've shown your teammates ...

March 12th Update

Today, we pushed a small update to the hosted Team Foundation Service, and I wanted to share some insight into our update cadence and what’s new in this particular release. We’re going to be blogging about all of our interesting updates so that you can have an idea about what’s new and pertinent to your use. As you may know, we’ve ...

Update Your Agile Team Project to Support Additional Functionality After You Upgrade from TFS 2010 to TFS11 Beta

Summary When a new version of TFS comes out, there are new features. Some of those features are backed by metadata such as work item types and work item categories. If you had to upgrade your TFS 2008 team project to TFS 2010 you know that this can be a daunting exercise. For TFS11 there are also a couple of features that need changes to the ...

Code sample for using TFS events

The guys behind the All-In-One Code Framework published a sample on using TFS events earlier this month. I'm not sure, but it may have been thier first sample covering TFS. They have more on their backlog. You can suggest sample ideas, and vote on other suggestions, too. To vote on suggestions, search for TFS in the sample request service...