Showing results for February 2019 - Page 2 of 2 - Azure DevOps Blog

Feb 12, 2019

Announcing launch of Azure Pipelines app for Slack

Atin Bansal
Atin Bansal

I am excited to announce the availability of the Azure Pipelines app for Slack. If you use Slack, you can use the Azure Pipelines app for Slack to easily monitor the events for your pipelines. Set up and manage subscriptions for completed builds, releases, pending approvals and more from the app and get notifications for these events in your Slack ...

CI/CDAzure & CloudCommunity
Feb 8, 2019

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.02.08

Edward Thomson
Edward Thomson

Happy Friday! I hope you've had a great feel full of finding bugs, improving performance and keeping your services online. Now that you're cruising into the weekend, it's a good time to take a moment and read up on the state of DevOps. Here's some great articles (and a podcast) that I found this week.

Feb 6, 2019

What’s new in Azure DevOps Sprint 146 Update

Anisha Pindoria
Anisha Pindoria

In this update, you can now simplify the organization of your work using the Basic process, wiki updates, and updates to Azure Pipelines. Check out the video to learn more about these features.

Feb 5, 2019

Adding caching to Azure Pipelines

Alex Mullans
Alex Mullans

For a long while, Azure Pipelines users have been asking to improve performance on the hosted build agents by adding caching for common scenarios like package restore. The issue came up in a recent popular Hacker News item, so we wanted to share an update.

Package ManagementCI/CD
Feb 1, 2019

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.02.01

Edward Thomson
Edward Thomson

It's been a busy week for me, I've been at the fabulous NDC London conference where I had the pleasure of seeing some amazing speakers like Microsoft's very own Seth Juarez, Jon Galloway and Scott Hanselman. The NDC family of conferences are amazing and if there's one in your neck of the woods, I encourage you to check it out. But now I'm on the tr...

Feb 1, 2019

Azure DevOps Roadmap update for 2019 Q1

Gloridel Morales
Gloridel Morales

Last week we updated the Features Timeline to provide visibility on our key investments for this quarter. The features listed below link to the public roadmap project where you can find more details about each item.

Azure & Cloud
Feb 1, 2019

Updates to Java requirements for TFS Search

Subrahmanya Srinivas
Subrahmanya Srinivas

The search feature of Team Foundation Server (TFS) uses Elasticsearch, which depends on Java SE. Until now, Oracle Java SE was the supported version of JRE for TFS search. With the change in Oracle licensing terms, there will be no more “free public Java updates” and users are required to buy a subscription to continue to get JRE updates for commer...

Azure DevOps ServerCommunity