Happy Friday! I hope you’ve had a great feel full of finding bugs, improving performance and keeping your services online. Now that you’re cruising into the weekend, it’s a good time to take a moment and read up on the state of DevOps. Here’s some great articles (and a podcast) that I found this week.
.NET Core Opinion #8 – How to Use Azure DevOps Pipelines
K. Scott Allen has been posting some great tips and tricks around .NET Core. In this post, he points out how to use Azure Pipelines to use a “configuration as code” setup for your CI/CD, building your project with a YAML definition.
Azure Pipelines! qué es y cómo te puede ayudar
So what is Azure Pipelines and how can it help you? Manuel Valenzuela has a great introduction. (Spanish language)
Using Azure DevOps Artifacts NuGet Feeds from Azure DevOps Pipeline Builds
The Azure DevOps teams packages its components into NuGet packages which – of course – we don’t publish publicly. Instead, we use a private NuGet repository. Travis Illig shows you how you can use Azure Artifacts with private NuGet packages from Azure Pipelines builds.
Azure DevOps — find your activity stream
Sahil Malik has a quick tip for users coming to Azure DevOps from Jira and who are used to the “activity stream”; he tells you how to find that in Azure Boards.
Migrate from Jenkins to Azure Pipelines
The Azure DevOps team just added some guides for people who are interested in migrating from Jenkins to Azure Pipelines. It goes great with our guidance for migrating from Travis; either way is a good first step to a migration to a modern CI pipeline.
Radio TFS: Azure DevOps with Azure Greg
Another great episode of the Radio TFS podcast. In this episode, your host Greg Duncan is joined by Gregor Suttie (aka Azure Greg) where they talk about the change to Azure DevOps, Azure exams, marketplace extensions, and much more. As always, if you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure then let me know! I’m @ethomson on Twitter.