Showing results for August 2016 - Page 2 of 3 - Azure DevOps Blog

Aug 19, 2016

Inside Visual Studio Team Services: Summer Interns and Package Management

Ayushman Jain
Ayushman Jain

Each month, we bring you the insiders view into Visual Studio Team Services - how the product is developed, how we dogfood it and use it every day, who are the people behind it and tips and tricks on becoming a power user This month, we interview our Explorer Interns - Aurélie Pluche, Tracy Tran and Madison Willcox. They're interning with the Pack...

DevOpsCommunityGit & Version Control
Aug 18, 2016

New .NET Core Build Agent on Hosted Pool – Some builds may require reaction

Chris Patterson (MSFT)
Chris Patterson (MSFT)

Over the course of this year we have been building a new vsts agent on the .NET Core platform. The new agent not only includes a number of new features but it also gives complete feature parity across all of our supported platforms and it is open source. This new agent will ship with the next version of TFS and is the default download from VSTS t...

Aug 18, 2016

Deploying an Azure Red Hat Linux VM Running Apache Tomcat for use with Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server

Paul T. Barham
Paul T. Barham

Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server (TFS) now has at least three mechanisms (i.e. deployment and utility tasks) for deploying to a Linux host or virtual machine (VM).  This walkthrough will show specifically how to setup and configure an Red Hat (v. 7.2) VM on Azure to run Tomcat and other necessary services to support three diff...

DevOpsAzure & CloudAzure DevOps Server
Aug 18, 2016

Deploying an Azure Ubuntu Linux VM Running Apache Tomcat for use with Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server

David Staheli
David Staheli

Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server (TFS) now have at least three mechanisms (i.e. deployment and utility tasks) for deploying to a Linux host or virtual machine (VM).  This walkthrough will show specifically how to setup and configure an Ubuntu (v16) VM on Azure to run Tomcat and other necessary services to support three differe...

DevOpsAzure & CloudAzure DevOps Server
Aug 18, 2016

Copy Files Over SSH during Continuous Integration and Deployment

Madhuri Gummalla
Madhuri Gummalla

In July we released a SSH task to run commands or scripts on a remote machine to make it easier to configure Linux servers as part of your automated build or release definitions. Now we are including another task that will make it easier to deploy to Linux servers. The Copy Files Over SSH task allows securely copying files to a remote server. The ...

Aug 18, 2016

Upload Files from Team Services Builds and Releases with FTP/FTPS

Jason Sholl
Jason Sholl

Team Services includes a new build and release task, FTP Upload.  Now your Team Services build or release can upload files using FTP or FTPS.  The FTP Upload task is cross-platform and does not require additional dependencies. This task is available today in Team Services and will be available in the next version of Team Foundation Server for on-pr...

Aug 18, 2016

Team Services Integration with Jenkins Jobs, Pipelines, and Artifacts

David Staheli
David Staheli

Team Services now integrates even better with Jenkins.  The "Jenkins Queue Job" and "Jenkins Download Artifacts" tasks are useful for blending Team Services and Jenkins build and release steps. Why would Microsoft choose to integrate with Jenkins when Team Services has its own highly-capable build and release systems?  Our goal is to integrate with...

Aug 5, 2016

Evolving the Visual Studio Test Platform – Part 2

Pratap Lakshman
Pratap Lakshman

As promised in the previous post, what follows is a recap of all of the Testing-related features implemented and delivered in the Visual Studio 2015 cycle until now. Each of the features might be relevant at a different stage in the lifecycle, but together they serve the single purpose of enabling efficiency - and overlaid on the lifecycle graphic,...

Aug 5, 2016

Team Services Extensions Monthly Roundup

Joe Bourne
Joe Bourne

It's been 9 months since we launched our new extensibility platform and Marketplace for Team Services and it has been exciting. So far we've seen With such a rich set of publishers and extensions coming to our marketplace, we want to start taking the opportunity once a month to highlight some of our favorite extensions or publish...

Aug 2, 2016

August Hosted Build Pool Image Updates

Chris Patterson (MSFT)
Chris Patterson (MSFT)

Today we are rolling out a new image to the hosted build pool with the following updates For a full list of software see
