Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

New fields bring Kanban goodness to queries, and more

In VSO, the Kanban board is your control room. Like traditional switchboards and status indicators, the board empowers teams with mission critical information: which work items are in progress, where the bottlenecks are, who the work is assigned to, and so on. There’s a certain calm to knowing all of this... and we get it. As consumers of...

Breaking change in TFS 2015 Update 1 for server-side plugins

Since Team Foundation Server 2010, TFS has supported extending its functionality using server-side plugins. These plugins are written against the server object model, and in particular the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.ISubscriber interface. Team Foundation Server 2015 Update 1 includes a breaking change in that interface, meaning ...

Process Template changes to TFS 2015 RTM

With the release of TFS 2015, we have also updated the process templates. All of these changes were done to: Many of you have requested a list of the improvements that we have made to the process templates, so here we go.Template changes Workflow changes Field changes...

Automating Azure Resource Group deployment using a Service Principal in Visual Studio Online: Build/Release Management

Connect your Azure subscriptions to VSTS in 3 clicks New improved user experience to setup Azure Resource Manager based service connection in VSTS. Follow the post below to configure Visual Studio Team Services to communicate with Azure in order to provision or deploy Azure Resource Manager resources such as virtual machines (image...

Announcing Git-LFS on all VSO Git repos

All Visual Studio Online Git repos now support Git-LFS, with unlimited free storage! Git-LFS is an extension to Git that replaces large files in your repo with placeholder files, and stores the contents of those large files in a separate store on the server.  This allows you to add binary files to a repo without creating a lot of ...