Showing results for Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra - Azure Cosmos DB Blog

Jun 28, 2022

Benchmarking Data Migration from Cassandra to Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API

Alp Kaya Akash Shankaran

About the authors:  Akash & Alp We are working with many customers who for a variety of reasons such as not having to deal with patching the O/S, upgrades, scalability, etc. are looking to move their Cassandra IaaS workloads to Azure and one of the destinations is Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API. We wanted to explore and dive deeper into perfo...

Azure Cosmos DB for Apache CassandraTips and TricksMigration
Jun 7, 2022

Simplified Write and Read Paths in the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API

Abinav Rameesh
Abinav Rameesh

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed service which can be used as a backing data store for applications using Apache Cassandra, using the API for Cassandra. Built on top of Azure Cosmos DB, the Cassandra API provides scale, performance and availability guarantees while eliminating the operational overhead needed to manage Cassandra data. In this b...

Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra
Apr 26, 2022

Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API: A true differentiator with Autoscale

Dileep Rao
Dileep Rao

 Overview We know that Apache Cassandra, a wide-column NoSQL database, is a great option to solve the 3 V’s (Volume, Variety and Velocity) of data requirements. It is a given that data will grow as the business expands. Invariably you will need to expand the cluster to accommodate additional data and handle greater throughput. This load may be dif...

Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra
Apr 5, 2022

Simplified CDC with Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API 

Abinav Rameesh
Abinav Rameesh

This blog post details the several ways in which Change Feed in the Azure Cosmos DB API for Cassandra makes consumption of row mutations significantly easier to use with much more flexibility, than Apache Cassandra's CDC (Change Data Capture) functionality.

Azure Cosmos DB for Apache CassandraChange Feed
Nov 10, 2021

Announcing: Glowroot support for Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API

Iria Osara
Iria Osara

We are excited to announce that Azure Cosmos DB now has GA support for Glowroot for its Cassandra API. This allows users of Azure Cosmos DB’s Cassandra API to get all the benefits of using Glowroot. While for Glowroot users an additional benefit of having fully managed Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API.

Azure Cosmos DB for Apache CassandraAnnouncements
May 10, 2021

Cassandra API Recommendations for Java

Theo van Kraay
Theo van Kraay

Check out the latest recommendations for using Java V4 Cassandra Driver with Azure Cosmos DB's Cassandra API. We've created a custom Java extension that you can implement without any code changes, for a better overall experience.

Tips and TricksAzure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra
Mar 2, 2021

Now in preview: Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra

Theo van Kraay
Theo van Kraay

Today at Microsoft Ignite, we announced Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra in public preview. Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra provides the ability to provision managed native Apache Cassandra clusters, with automated deployment and scaling operations, accelerating hybrid scenarios and reducing ongoing maintenance. Why are ...

Azure Cosmos DB for Apache CassandraAnnouncements
Dec 14, 2020

Integrating Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API with Apache Kafka using Kafka Connect

Abhishek Gupta
Abhishek Gupta

Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API is a fully managed cloud service that is compatible with Cassandra Query Language (CQL) v3.11 API. It has no operational overhead and you can benefit from all the underlying Azure Cosmos DB capabilities such as global distribution, automatic scale out partitioning, availability and latency guarantees, encryption at res...

Azure Cosmos DB for Apache CassandraMigrationData Architecture