Showing results for March 2020 - Azure Cosmos DB Blog

Mar 25, 2020

Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 – Exploring the new Async API

Andy Feldman Andy Feldman

In this second of our series for the Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 for Core (SQL) API, I’m going to explore our new Async API. To get you caught up though go check out the first post in this series Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 - New Java SDK Quickstart Guide and Sample Code! Current users of our Java SDK v2 are familiar with our Sync API and ...

Java SDKAzure Cosmos DB for NoSQLTips and Tricks
Mar 23, 2020

Running a low-cost, scalable app with Azure Cosmos DB free tier

Nikisha Reyes-Grange Nikisha Reyes-Grange

When building an app, the challenge is to identify the right combination of services or tools from the vast options available. The creators of share how Azure Cosmos DB free tier and other Azure services help them run a low-cost, scalable app.

Tips and Tricks
Mar 19, 2020

Native Mongo shell on Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB now in preview

Luis Bosquez Luis Bosquez

We are happy to announce the preview release for native Mongo shell v3.6.8 on the Data Explorer for Azure Cosmos DB’s API for MongoDB! This will provide you with the native Mongo shell capabilities for database management and CRUD operations. This is available in your Data Explorer either in the Azure Portal or in its stand-alone version. ...

AnnouncementsAzure Cosmos DB for MongoDB
Mar 14, 2020

Azure Private Link for Azure Cosmos DB now generally available

Thomas Weiss Thomas Weiss

We are thrilled to announce the general availability of Azure Private Link for Azure Cosmos DB, making Azure Cosmos DB the next Azure service compatible with Azure Private Link. What is Azure Private Link Azure Private Link provides private connectivity from a virtual network to Azure platform as a service (PaaS) services. It simplifies the ...

Mar 13, 2020

Create a Java Azure Cosmos DB Function Trigger using Visual Studio Code in 2 minutes!

Theo van Kraay Theo van Kraay

  Creating event sourcing solutions with Azure Cosmos DB is easy with Azure Functions Triggers, where you can leverage the Change Feed Processor's powerful scaling and reliable event detection functionality, without the need to maintain any worker infrastructure. You can just focus on your Azure Function's logic without worrying about the ...

Change FeedTips and TricksJava SDK
Mar 11, 2020

Create a .NET Azure Cosmos DB Function Trigger using Visual Studio Code in 2 minutes!

Theo van Kraay Theo van Kraay

  Creating event sourcing solutions with Azure Cosmos DB is easy with Azure Functions Triggers, where you can leverage the Change Feed Processor's powerful scaling and reliable event detection functionality, without the need to maintain any worker infrastructure. You can just focus on your Azure Function's logic without worrying about the ...

Tips and Tricks
Mar 9, 2020

Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 – New Java SDK Quickstart Guide and Sample Code!

Andy Feldman Andy Feldman

The Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK for SQL API (hereafter “Java SDK”) provides support for Java applications with Azure Cosmos DB. Java SDK 4.0 General Availability is coming soon! To help customers prepare for this and take advantage of all the new great features, I'll be writing a series of blog posts around this as well as including helpful ...

Java SDKAzure Cosmos DB for NoSQLTips and Tricks
Mar 6, 2020

Build apps for free with Azure Cosmos DB Free Tier

Deborah Chen Deborah Chen

With the new Azure Cosmos DB Free Tier, you’ll get the first 400 RU/s throughput and 5 GB storage in your account for free each month, for the lifetime of the account. That means that you can start small and grow with confidence, knowing your app will be running on a high-performance database service.

Mar 5, 2020

Migrating Relational Data into Azure Cosmos DB using Azure Data Factory and Azure Databricks

Tonio Lora Tonio Lora

Organizations migrating relational data to Azure Cosmos DB meet different challenges, from moving large amounts of data, to performing the transformations required to properly store the data in a format that will provide the performance required. The first step on this type of migrations is to come up with the non-relational model that will ...

Tips and Tricks
