Showing results for May 2021 - Azure Cosmos DB Blog

May 18, 2021

Using Spark 3 connector for Azure Cosmos DB Core (SQL) API with Azure Databricks

Iranga Subasinghe Iranga Subasinghe

In this blog post, we show how to use the Spark 3 OLTP connector for Cosmos DB Core (SQL) API with Azure Databricks workspace and explains how the Catalog API is being used. Also, explores the differences between the partitioning strategies when reading the data from Cosmos DB.

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQLSpark
May 10, 2021

Cassandra API Recommendations for Java

Theo van Kraay Theo van Kraay

Check out the latest recommendations for using Java V4 Cassandra Driver with Azure Cosmos DB's Cassandra API. We've created a custom Java extension that you can implement without any code changes, for a better overall experience.

Tips and TricksAzure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra
