Showing results for June 2020 - Azure Cosmos DB Blog

Jun 30, 2020

Data Modeling and Partitioning for Relational Workloads

Lenni Lobel Lenni Lobel

As a NoSQL database, Azure Cosmos DB requires you think about data modeling in new ways. In this post, we’ll use a familiar real-world relational data model and refactor it as a non-relational data model for Azure Cosmos DB.

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQLData Architecture
Jun 24, 2020

Wildcard indexes in Azure Cosmos DB’s API for MongoDB

Tim Sander Tim Sander

With our latest service update, you can now create wildcard indexes in accounts that use Azure Cosmos DB’s API for MongoDB. Wildcard indexes are a popular feature in MongoDB 4.2 that allow you to index many properties without enumerating each one.

AnnouncementsAzure Cosmos DB for MongoDBQuery
Jun 23, 2020

Azure Cosmos DB for AI Engineers

Rodrigo Souza Rodrigo Souza

Learn how AI Engineers can use Azure Cosmos DB for AI Applications.

AITips and TricksAnalytics
Jun 15, 2020

New string function performance improvements and case-insensitive search

Tim Sander Tim Sander

Azure Cosmos DB now supports case-insensitive Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith, and StringEquals. Additionally, both Contains and EndsWith have had significant performance improvements. You can now store string data in Azure Cosmos DB without having to worry about matching the case in the query.

AnnouncementsAzure Cosmos DB for NoSQLTips and Tricks
Jun 11, 2020

Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 – General Availability

Andy Feldman Andy Feldman

Announcing the Azure Cosmos DB Java SDK v4 for SQL API is now generally available. Read about all the new features and capabilities as well as how to migrate or get started with new applications today.

Java SDKAzure Cosmos DB for NoSQLAnnouncements
Jun 8, 2020

Manage Azure Cosmos DB with PowerShell

Patrick El-Azem Patrick El-Azem

Learn about how you can manage Azure Cosmos DB resources using the new Az.CosmosDB PowerShell package.

