Buck Hodges

Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS and Team Foundation Server)

Remote Desktop Connection 6.0 client

Last month, the Remote Desktop Connection 6.0 client was released.  It has some nice new features in it, which I've listed below.  Being able to log into a machine on a private network without having to use a VPN sounds really cool (TS Gateway servers), but I haven't been able to try that out.  I found an internal page where ...

Internal TFS server database maintenance

Brian posted these answers in a comment to a question on his January dogfood statistics post.  These may be of interest to folks out there, particularly those running larger-sized Team Foundation Server installations. 1) What is the current size of our dogfood database? 2) Backups/Restores - With large databases, are there any...

Incremental gets with Team Build and the list of files that changed

After you learn five things about Aaron that you didn't know, he'll show you how to do an incremental get without necessarily doing an incremental build. Doing an Incremental Get in Team Build In Team Build v1.0, it is not possible, without some trickeration, to do an incremental get without also doing an incremental build.  (The process ...

TFSBuildManager – project on CodePlex

Lorenzo Barbieri wrote about a tool on CodePlex called TFSBuildManager.  I didn't know about this one.  It's a tool written by Dudu Shmaya.  The CodePlex project page has the following about the project. TFSBuildManager TFSBuildManager is a utility to manage Team Foundation build types in an environment other than Visual Studio...

John Robbins’ approach to working offline with Team Foundation Server

John Robbins has written a post called Working Offline with TFS.  In it, he describes his approach to using Visual Studio when not connected to the Team Foundation Server.  As many of you know, the server information is stored in the .sln file, and VS tries to connect to the server whenever you open a solution that contains the ...

Five things about me

Martin Woodward tagged me with that blogging game that's going around where you post five things that people don't generally know about you and then tag five more people.  Okay, I have to admit it seems kind of fun, so I'll do my part to keep it going. I'm tagging Jeff Beehler, Aaron Hallberg, Mario Rodriguez, Jeff Atwood,&...

How to deal with the Y2K7 problem — file versions and AssemblyInfoTask

If you use the AssemblyInfoTask to stamp the version numbers for your assemblies that you build with MSBuild as part of your Team Build process, you may run into the "Y2K7" problem.  The version number is stored as a 16-bit (yes, 16 not 32) unsigned integer.  With the format YMMDD, January 1, 2007 becomes 70101, which is 70,101 and ...

Beeps from bullets

Way back near the beginning of development of TFS version control, which was called Hatteras back then, we sent email to the team manually when we checked in.  So I would typically write my checkin comment in Outlook, which was using Microsoft Word as the editor, and then paste it into the checkin dialog.  My comment was a ...