Visual Basic Blog

A group blog from members of the VB team

Using Entity Framework in Silverlight with Visual Basic

If you’re looking for ways to get started with Entity Framework 4.0 in Visual Basic then be sure to check out this month’s issue of CODE Magazine.  In it the Entity Framework team has put together a walkthrough that shows how to use EF4 in Silverlight, and best of all the entire article’s in VB!   Using Entity ...

Announcing the Async CTP for Visual Basic (and also Iterators!)

We're very happy to announce today the Async CTP for Visual Basic and C#. Asynchronous programming is something that helps make your UI more responsive, especially in applications that interact with databases or network or disk. It's also used to make ASP servers scale better. And it's the natural way to program in Silverlight. Until now...

Announcing Microsoft Visual Basic CTP for Windows Phone Developer Tools

Today we announced availability of the Microsoft Visual Basic CTP for Windows Phone Developer Tools.  You can download the release here: This CTP is to be used with the Windows Phone Developer Tools, in order to do Windows Phone 7 development with Visual Basic. We have heard a lot of customer requests for this capability and are all ...

Channel 9 Interview: Multi-Targeting Deep Dive (Beth Massi, Spotty Bowles)

I’m back with Spotty Bowles, a tester on the VB compiler team, shows us the ins and outs of how multi-targeting works in Visual Basic projects in Visual Studio 2010 in this Channel 9 interview: Channel 9 Interview: Multi-Targeting Deep Dive with Visual Basic 2010What's tricky in Visual Studio 2010 is that there are now two supported ...

Productivity Improvements for the Entity Framework

BackgroundWe’ve been hearing a lot of good feedback on the recently released update to the Entity Framework in .NET 4. This release marks a significant advancement from the first release that shipped with .NET 3.5 SP1.  I’m not going to spend time here talking about what’s new, but you can check here to see for ...

Troubleshooting Errors When Embedding Type Information (Doug Rothaus)

Visual Studio 2010 has a new feature, Embed Interop Types, that can simplify application deployment and solve those pesky issues that can arise when using COM Interop and Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs). If you’ve ever had to ship multiple versions of an application that automates Microsoft Office where the only difference between your...

Removing duplicate namespaces in XML Literals (Shyam Namboodiripad)

A common problem that one often runs into with XML literals and the LINQ to XML API is duplicate XML namespaces. Consider the following example. The code imports a default XML namespace - “hello”.Code: Imports <xmlns="hello"> Module Module1     Sub Main()         Dim x = <A...