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Mar 11, 2020

Visual Basic support planned for .NET 5.0

.NET Team
.NET Team

We’ve heard your feedback that you want Visual Basic on .NET Core. Visual Basic in .NET 5 will support additional application types.

Oct 2, 2017

Roslyn Primer – Part I: Anatomy of a Compiler

Anthony D. Green [MSFT]
Anthony D. Green [MSFT]

So, you’ve heard that VB (and C#) are open source now and you want to dive in and contribute. If you haven’t spent your life building compilers, you probably don’t know where to start. No worries, I’ll walk you through it. This post is the first of a series of blog posts focused on the Roslyn codebase. They’re intended as a primer for prototyping l...

Apr 10, 2017

Easy Async and Await for VBs Part 1, or…

Klaus Loeffelmann
Klaus Loeffelmann

...letting your code do absolutely nothing! We’ve all been there, one way or the other. Either as users of an app or as the developer to whom users complained to: When a typical Win32 app is waiting for an operation to complete, we often get to see something like this: In discussions about how to get a handle on such scenarios there are all kinds ...

Mar 30, 2017

What's New in Visual Basic 2017

Klaus Loeffelmann
Klaus Loeffelmann

Visual Studio 2017 just shipped, and with it shipped a new version of Visual Basic. With the new language strategy of the .NET Languages, the focus is again on Visual Basic’s original virtue: Provide editor, debugging and refactoring tools as well as language feature to ease complex tasks and boost every VB’s developer productivity without distract...

Oct 16, 2009

How do I deploy an application and its prerequisites? (Mary Lee)


Let me count the ways: xcopy, ClickOnce, Windows Installer (.msi), Windows Installer XML, Group Policy, Active Directory, Systems Management Service or System Center Configuration Manager, login scripts, CD, USB drive, and many more third-party software options. Despite the many options, one common requirement is that applications typically have p...

Sep 30, 2009

Free SQL Server 2008 Express How-To-Guide Series


Thanks to the SQL Server Team we just released a free SQL Server 2008 Express How-To-Guide Series on During the next weeks we’ll also integrating parts of the series into the Visual Basic Developer Center, C# Developer Center, the Beginner Developer Learning Center, etc.One video of the series: How do I query data in a database?Giv...

Sep 25, 2009

Testing Events for Nothing/Null (Doug Rothaus)


While helping some Windows API folks with some sample code this week, I stumbled upon...uh...I mean “carefully researched” an issue that you might find handy.You may be aware that the RaiseEvent statement automatically checks to verify if an event handler exists before raising the event. If the event is Nothing, then there’s no ev...

Sep 4, 2009

Properties vs Fields – Why Does it Matter? (Jonathan Aneja)


The other day I got an email from a developer asking an interesting question about VB10’s Auto-implemented Properties feature. “I am, however, somewhat confused regarding the properties feature you mentioned - i.e. turning 11 lines of get/set/backing variable into one line. Wouldn't this be exactly the same as the existing functionality of cre...

Jun 24, 2009

History of Microsoft Video: Bill Gates Talks about Altair Basic (Lisa Feigenbaum)

Lisa Feigenbaum
Lisa Feigenbaum

A few months ago, Tina started a great series on Channel9 that walks through the history of Microsoft, year by year: The History of Microsoft In the first episode, Bill Gates talks about what it was like to build Altair Basic. He actually shows the tape that represents the instructions for Basic! Lots of rare footage, and an entertaining show on ...