Showing results for Jetpack Compose - Surface Duo Blog

Dec 31, 2023

2023 year in review

Craig Dunn
Craig Dunn

Hello Android developers, 2023 was the year that machine learning and artificial intelligence really became mainstream, and we covered both topics with a focus on Android implementations. We published series on using the ONNX machine learning runtime, building Android apps with Microsoft Graph, and tutorials for Jetpack Compose ...

kotlinJetpack Composeopenai
Jun 22, 2023

Announcing FoldAwareColumn in Accompanist Adaptive

Kristen Halper Jossi Wolf

Hello Jetpack Compose developers, This week, we’re super excited to announce the release of ! This new component is part of Accompanist, Google’s “sandbox” for experimental Jetpack Compose APIs. The Accompanist Adaptive library already contains the component, which we tested out late last year, so will be the second component ...

Jetpack Window ManagerJetpack Compose
Jun 15, 2023

JetchatAI gets smarter with embeddings

Craig Dunn
Craig Dunn

Hello prompt engineers, A few weeks ago we finished a series of posts building an AI chatbot using the Jetchat sample with OpenAI. The sample uses the chat and image endpoints, but has the same limitation as many LLMs, which is that its knowledge is limited to the training data (for example, anything after September 2021 is not included...

Jetpack Composeopenaichatgpt
Jun 8, 2023

Improved navigation support in TwoPaneLayout

Kristen Halper
Kristen Halper

Hello Jetpack Compose developers, This week, we’re excited to announce an update to our TwoPaneLayout library! You can now use with destinations that accept navigation arguments. This new feature was originally suggested by two developers in our feedback forum, so special thanks to @tscholze and @Papes96 for staying involved ...

Jetpack Composefoldable
May 25, 2023

Blossoming love for Compose animation

Kristen Halper
Kristen Halper

Hello Jetpack Compose developers, Today we’ll be finishing up our blog series on animations in Jetpack Compose! This content was inspired by Nicole Terc’s Composable Sheep talk from droidcon NYC. Over the past two weeks, we covered some basics graphics, animation canvases, and basic animations. This week, we’ll polish up our...

Jetpack Composedroidconanimation
May 18, 2023

Blooming love for Compose animation

Kristen Halper
Kristen Halper

Hello Jetpack Compose developers, Today we’ll be continuing our blog series on animations in Jetpack Compose! This content was inspired by Nicole Terc’s Composable Sheep talk from droidcon NYC. More basic animations We’ll be continuing to use our method and composable to build animations in this post, so if you haven’t ...

Jetpack Composedroidconanimation
May 11, 2023

Budding love for compose animation

Kristen Halper
Kristen Halper

Hello Jetpack Compose developers, Last week, we did some Compose animation work to build a typing indicator in a chat app. For our next blog series, I’ll be diving into more animation topics with a project inspired by Nicole Terc’s Composable Sheep talk from droidcon NYC. Her composable sheep talk series inspired me to work on my own...

Jetpack Composedroidconanimation
May 4, 2023

JetchatGPT improvements: error handling and animations

Kristen Halper
Kristen Halper

Hello prompt engineers and Jetpack Compose developers, Last week, we introduced the JetchatGPT sample to show you how to integrate the OpenAI chat API into an Android app. Instead of building requests manually like in previous blog posts, we showed you how to use the openai-kotlin client library to make it easier to interact with the chat ...

Jetpack Composeopenaichatgpt
Apr 27, 2023

Jetchat with OpenAI on Android

Craig Dunn Kristen Halper Parker Schroeder

Hello prompt engineers, The last three blogs have been about exploring the OpenAI API completion, edit, and image endpoints from Android, using HttpClient and crafting JSON requests and responses. This post is about implementing the chat API in an Android app, using the open-source client library openai-kotlin on GitHub. The library ...

kotlinJetpack Composeopenai
Jan 26, 2023

Relay Anchor Leg: Overall impressions

Kristen Halper
Kristen Halper

Hello Compose developers, Over the last two weeks, I’ve given a brief introduction to Relay, as well as talked about some of the tips and tricks I picked up while using the tool. This week, I’ll share my thoughts on the current state of Relay from the developer point of view. As a reminder, Relay is in alpha, so please go try ...

kotlinJetpack Composedesign