Showing results for September 2021 - Surface Duo Blog

Sep 30, 2021

Adapting to Android multi-window and foldable devices

Craig Dunn
Craig Dunn

Hello Android developers! Although multi-window support was first introduced in Android 7 (API 24), many developers are only recently starting to adapt their code to this feature as dual-screen, foldable, and large-screen devices are becoming more common. If you’re considering adapting your apps for the latest larger-screen devices, toda...

Surface DuokotlinJetpack Window Manager
Sep 23, 2021

Develop for Surface Duo 2

Guy Merin
Guy Merin

Hello Android developers! At yesterday’s Microsoft event we introduced the new Microsoft Surface Duo 2. Today I’d like to invite developers to start building or enhancing apps for dual-screen devices like the Surface Duo, Surface Duo 2, and other foldables. Surface Duo 2 The new Surface Duo 2 includes 5G support, three rear-...

Surface DuoDual Screen Development
Sep 16, 2021

Android emulator multi-touch support

Gabriel Grigoras
Gabriel Grigoras

Hello Android developers! We’re excited to announce that version 30.9.0 of the Android emulator now supports multiple touch points to let you test gestures and interactions that require more than one finger! Multi-touch support requires the emulator be running on a touch screen device, which includes most modern Windows PCs, including th...

Surface DuoDual Screen Developmentemulator
Sep 9, 2021

Unity and Jetpack Window Manager

Craig Dunn
Craig Dunn

Hello game developers! We’ve covered Jetpack Window Manager in the docs, and previously blogged about how to integrate the DisplayMask API into a Unity sample. In this post I’ll describe how to extend a Unity project to integrate native Android code and configuration to include the Jetpack Window Manager package and provide dual-screen a...

Surface DuoDual Screen DevelopmentUnity
Sep 2, 2021

Travel Planner dual-screen sample app

Raymond Liu
Raymond Liu

Hello Android developers! Over the summer, Hersh and I worked on a sample app that demonstrates a variety of dual-screen app possibilities. We used APIs like Jetpack Window Manager to create features that work across different foldable devices, including Microsoft Surface Duo. In this post, I’ve highlighted some of our favorite features ...

Surface DuokotlinJetpack Window Manager