Showing results for August 2022 - Surface Duo Blog

Aug 25, 2022

Experimenting with postures in Flutter

Andrei Diaconu
Andrei Diaconu

The things I'm doing in this article are highly experimental. By the end of it hopefully you will agree with these two statements: To achieve the desired behavior, I end up using several hacky techniques which I would think twice before shipping to production. This article is not a tutorial. It is a story of the fun I had with flutter ...

Surface DuofoldableFlutter
Aug 18, 2022

droidcon Berlin and Surface Duo video collection

Cesar Valiente
Cesar Valiente

Hello Android developers! This week we were inspired by a forum question about interesting Surface Duo media content and provide a variety of different video and audio resources where you can learn more about Surface Duo, foldable devices, and dual-screen Android app development! If you want to chat in person, we’ll also be at these ...

kotlinJetpack Window Managerfoldable
Aug 11, 2022

Test Kit Annotations update

Andrei Cirja
Andrei Cirja

Hello Android developers! We are excited to announce an update for the foldable Test Kit library. Test Kit provides utility methods and classes that help you write instrumented tests for large screen and foldable devices. This update adds annotations which are useful for creating tests for one posture at a time. Now, instead of adding ...

kotlinJetpack Window ManagerJetpack Compose
Aug 4, 2022

Making a gamepad for my Flutter game

Andrei Diaconu
Andrei Diaconu

Did you know that building games in Flutter is just as easy as building apps? There is even a game engine built on top of it called Flame. Today we are first going to explore building a simple game with Flame and then enhance the game for dual-screen and foldable devices. This space themed game will use an on-screen gamepad controller as input...

Jetpack Window ManagerfoldableFlutter