Showing results for August 2014 - Visual Studio Setup

Aug 21, 2014

How to register your program for file extensions shared with other programs

Heath Stewart
Heath Stewart

One frequently asked question is, “how do we register our program for a file extension when other versions (or programs) that handle it might also be installed?” The overarching question is really about how to have non-shared resources both write to a shared resource.  But in the case with the Windows registry and file associations...

Aug 20, 2014

Visual Studio 2010 uninstall utility back online

Heath Stewart
Heath Stewart

Four years ago I published a utility to help perform a clean uninstall of Visual Studio 2010. Before we added package reference counting and related bundles to Visual Studio setup, we couldn’t always be sure which products were still required so not everything was removed. This utility will remove everything provided one of a few command line...

Visual StudioUninstallVS2010