Showing results for June 2005 - Visual Studio Setup

Jun 30, 2005

Latest Runtime Loaded when Hosting Managed Controls in IE

Heath Stewart
Heath Stewart

I previously mentioned how I worked on a project that deploys managed applications via the Internet or an intranet. Some of my initial research was into hosting managed controls in Internet Explorer. The .NET Framework 1.0 originally granted no permissions to the Internet_Zone code group so we had to deploy a small setup that used a custom class ...

Jun 15, 2005

The INSERT/UPDATE Problem for Transforms in MSI

Heath Stewart
Heath Stewart

QA uncovered a problem when testing our patches for .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1 lately that will ship with an updated binary that now runs as a service under Windows NT platforms. The file version was incremented but in the log file we saw the following:MSI (s) (3F:2B): Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=netfxupd.exe|netfxupdate.exe, SourceCabKey=...

Jun 10, 2005

Updating Assemblies In-place with MSI

Heath Stewart
Heath Stewart

A frequently-asked question is how to install an assembly into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) and overwrite the old assembly that has the same strong name. This is known as in-place updating.The first answer is "don't". Besides being a trusted global store for managed assemblies that is intrinsic to assembly resolution, the GAC also ...

Jun 7, 2005

How to Fix Administrative Deployment for 64-bit .NET Framework Redistributables

Heath Stewart
Heath Stewart

If you've tried to install the .NET Framework 2.0 Beta 2 redistributable for either ia64 or x64 from an administrative installation point, you might've seen an error like the following: While investigating patching scenarios for 64-bit SKUs I found that for source extraction and administrative installs the 32- and 64-bit files map to the same ...

Jun 6, 2005

Avoid Deadlocks in your Script Host when Tearing down JScript

Heath Stewart
Heath Stewart

A couple teams recently reported an issue where their script host hung due to deadlocks. Since jscript.dll was in the call stack for the hung thread it didn't take long for the bug to wind up in our lap, since CPX also sustains Windows Script. The problem was that as one thread was exiting and was passed to the callback in jscript.dll, the ...

Jun 3, 2005

Raw Images to be Supported in Longhorn

Heath Stewart
Heath Stewart

As a photography enthusiast and the son of a professional photographer (SLR, or "single lens reflex"), I am excited to read that Longhorn will support raw image formats from several manufacturers of digital cameras and digital SLRs.Raw images are pre-pixilated dumps from the image sensor - a CCD - that are comparable to film. Keeping raw ...

