Showing results for December 2007 - Visual Studio Setup

Dec 18, 2007

Fixes in Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 and 3.0 SP1

Heath Stewart
Heath Stewart

A reader pointed out that the list of fixes for .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 were published. I also see from the .NET Framework 3.5 download page that the list of fixes for .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 1 were also published. Both are listed below. But what is the relationship between 3.5 and 2.0 SP1 and 3.0 SP1? I mentioned previously, but ...

Dec 14, 2007

How to Workaround Error 1330 During Visual Studio 2008 Installation

Heath Stewart
Heath Stewart

When installing Visual Studio 2008, you might run into an error dialog that reads, Error 1330.A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt.The path and name of the cabinet may be different, but might often be, ...

InstallationVisual StudioLogging
Dec 4, 2007

Help Shape the Future of Visual Studio Deployment

Heath Stewart
Heath Stewart

Do you want to help shape the future of deployment for Visual Studio code name "Dev10"? Aaron Ruckman in our Deployment Technologies Group is asking for feedback about what experiences you'd like for the future of Visual Studio...

InstallationVisual Studio
