Scripting Blog [archived]

Formerly known as the "Hey, Scripting Guy!" blog

Join the PowerShell tenth birthday celebration

SUMMARY: Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson announces November 14, 2016 as date for PowerShell 10th anniversary celebration Can you believe that PowerShell is nearly 10 years old (that is a long time in 'internet time')? On November 14, 2016 we will celebrate the occasion with a day-long event that will run from 8 in the morning until 4 in the...

PowerTip: How to use regular expressions to split a string without losing the character you split on

Summary: Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP, Thomas Rayner, shows how to split a string without losing the character you split on. (image) I’m splitting this file name some file.txt into its name and extension by going “some file.txt” –split “.”. It’s giving me some file and txt, but I want to keep the dot and get .txt instead...