Showing results for 2019 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Dec 18, 2019

Just go with the flow…. WorkFlow that is with Windows PowerShell

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Doctor Scripto returns again with our good friend Joel Vickery, PFE who is going to touch on the use of Workflows In PowerShell. Take it away Joel! Following up on my original post Parallel Processing with jobs in PowerShell, I wanted to go into another method of running parallel processes in PowerShell, namely WorkFlows. WorkFlow is very sim...

PowerShellDoctor ScriptoJoel Vickery
Dec 11, 2019

PowerTip: Identify Completed PowerShell Jobs with Data yet to be Received

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Doctor Scripto quickly shows how to identify Completed Jobs in PowerShell which have yet to have the data Received Hey Doctor Scripto, How can I identify jobs which already completed but I haven’t done a Receive-Job on to get the data? You can do this with the Get-Job Cmdlet by targeting the -ChildJobState and -HasMoreData like t...

PowerTipSean KearneyPowerShell
Nov 13, 2019

PowerTip: Use Windows PowerShell to display all Environment variables

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Doctor Scripto demonstrates how to use env: to show all currently set environment variables Question: Hey Doctor Scripto, I remember in DOS if I wanted to see the values of all the Environment variables; like TEMP I could just type the SET Command. How do I do this in PowerShell? Answer: You can do this in one line using the ...

PowerTipSean KearneyPowerShell
Oct 30, 2019

PowerTip: Identify if CredentialGuard is enabled with Windows PowerShell

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Easily identify if Credential Guard is enabled using the Get-ComputerInfo Cmdlet in Windows 10 Question: Hey Doctor Scripto, how can I tell if CredentialGuard has been enabled on my Windows 10 computer? Answer: Just use the Get-ComputerInfo Cmdlet and target the DeviceGaurdSecurityServicesConfigured property. The following li...

PowerTipPowerShellDoctor Scripto