Showing results for January 2007 - Page 3 of 5 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Jan 15, 2007

Hey, Scripting Guy! How Can I List All the Groups in a Windows NT 4.0 Domain?


Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I list all the groups in a Windows NT 4.0 domain?-- MN Hey, MN. It’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day here in the USA, and, normally, you’d expect the Scripting Guy who writes this column to start things off by relating some irrelevant anecdote about Dr. King. Oddly enough, however, the Scripting Guy who writes...

Scripting Guy!other Directory Serviceslocal accounts and Windows NT 4.0 accounts
Jan 12, 2007

Hey, Scripting Guy! How Can I Subtract Days From a UTC Date-Time Value in Windows 2000?


Hey, Scripting Guy! On a Windows 2000 computer, how can I subtract days from a UTC date-time value?-- KP Hey, KP. Yes, we do blame all of this on Scripting Guy Dean Tsaltas. The Scripting Guy who writes this column has known Dean for six years now, and Dean has spent those entire six years complaining about the weather in the Seattle area. Not b...

Scripting Guy!scripting techniquesVBScript
Jan 11, 2007

Hey, Scripting Guy! How Can I Take Action Based on the First Line of a Text File?


Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I read the first line of every file in a folder and then move each file if the line contains or AZ Hey, AZ. We’ll get to your question in a moment. However, before we do that we have something important to say: flight of cheeses. OK, we can go on now. Thanks for waiting. What&rsq...

Scripting Guy!scripting techniquesVBScript
Jan 10, 2007

Hey, Scripting Guy! How Can I Retrieve the Subject Property for a .MSI File?


Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I retrieve the Subject property for a .MSI file?-- J L-G Hey, J L-G. Before you ask, the Scripting Guy who writes this column has no comment on the January 8th Florida-Ohio State football game. That’s primarily because this Scripting Guy refuses to recognize the “Bowl Championship Series” as being an...

Scripting Guy!VBScriptdesktop management