Showing results for 2021 - ISE Developer Blog

Dec 20, 2021

Re-Simulation in Automated Driving


Autonomous Driving is a competitive market with complex security and processing challenges. This article highlights how we met concerns and constraints when developing a cloud-based Autonomous Driving re-simulation solution.

Nov 23, 2021

Working with a Monorepo

Martin Tirion
Martin Tirion

In this blog post, we want to share a Microsoft manufacturing customer’s journey that started off by setting up with them the core piece for their software development: a monolithic repository — or monorepo for short.

Nov 11, 2021

Azure Service Operators – A Kubernetes native way of Deploying Azure Resources

Janani Vasudevan
Janani Vasudevan

The promise of being able to standardize on Kubernetes as a platform is attractive as it offers unique solutions to many of the challenges companies face. This post talks about the Azure Service Operator open source project that helps customers deploy Azure Resources using Kubernetes definitions

Sep 27, 2021

Detecting “Action” and “Cut” in Archival Footage Using a Multi-model Computer Vision and Audio Approach with Azure Cognitive Services

Nile Wilson
Nile Wilson

Movies and TV shows require multiple takes per scene and may have a substantial amount of archival footage as a result. Here, we use Azure Cognitive Services and custom code to develop a multi-model Machine Learning (ML) solution to automatically detect discardable footage to save media companies manual archiving hours and storage space.

CSEMachine LearningCognitive Services
Sep 20, 2021

Building an Action Detection Scoring Pipeline for Digital Dailies

Samuel Mendenhall
Samuel Mendenhall

Media companies capture footage filmed for the entire day in what's known as ‘digital dailies’. When talking about terabytes and petabytes of content, storage costs can be a factor. Lets explore Machine Learning approaches to identify which content can be archived or discarded which will save on those storage costs.

CSEMachine LearningCognitive Services
Sep 7, 2021

Enabling COVID-19 Exposure Notifications Across the United States on Azure

Andre Briggs
Andre Briggs

During pandemics, the ability to let people know if they have been exposed to a contagious disease is essential for public health practitioners. This is known as contact tracing and the COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. In this post, I describe the journey of our Microsoft team to deploy an exposure notification server on Azure.

Jun 14, 2021

Entity Disambiguation Using Search Engine

Maysam Mokarian
Maysam Mokarian

This blog post proposes a methodology to disambiguate misspelled entities by comparing the search retrieval performance with different custom search analyzers in a search engine.

CSEMachine LearningCognitive Services
Jun 7, 2021

Using Azure Cognitive Services to Analyse Evidence in Public Safety and Justice

Sonal Patil
Sonal Patil

A scenario commonly encountered in public safety and justice is the need to collect and index digital data recovered from devices, so that investigating officers can perform evidence-based analysis. We recently built an advanced evidence analysis platform that uses Azure AI services for automated labelling of media and documents.

CSECognitive Services