November 12th, 2021

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.11.12

Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

Welcome back! I am Jay Gordon and every week I try to bring you the latest updates from around the DevOps on Azure community. If you have a post you’d like to have me include, I am always listening. You can reach out on Twitter or LinkedIn and I will be sure to share your latest post with the community. Also, be sure to tag your posts with #AzureDevOps!

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Well, it’s the week after Microsoft Ignite and things are a bit more “normal” for many of us who were engaged in all the keynotes, talks, and Q&A sessions. I really enjoyed this session from Microsoft partner Red Hat’s James Read, How Pelayo moved from traditional IT to DevOps with Red Hat and Microsoft. If you missed out on great sessions like this, you can find recordings of many of the sessions at Microsoft Ignite within the session catalog.

Let’s dive into this week’s posts. We’ve got lots of new content including a lot on Terraform, Power Platform, containers, and more.

Deploy Azure Container App from Azure DevOps
Panu Oksala takes a look at one of the products announced at Microsoft Ignite, Azure Container Apps.

Power Platform: setting up an Azure DevOps Pipeline
Django Lohn is like many Citizen Developers creating Apps with Microsoft Power Platform. This post explains how to setup a Azure DevOps Pipeline for your Power Platform Apps.

Microsoft is bringing a managed Grafana service to Azure
Paul Sawers shares details on the announcement of a fully-managed Grafana service coming to Azure.

Deploy Azure Kubernetes Service using Terraform with Azure DevOps pipeline and deploying a sample application
Thomas Thornton continues his posts on using Terraform to deploy Azure resources. This time he shows you how to deploy a sample app to AKS.

Using Containers to Share Terraform Modules and Deploy with Azure Pipelines
Mark Johnson returns again this week with a new post on containers and how they can help you share your Terraform modules.

Terraform, Azure DevOps, App Services, and Slots
Yes! Even more Terraform! This post by John Folberth covers the swapping slots in Azure App Service. He shows you how to deploy with Azure DevOps and Terraform along with providing some helpful YAML.

Thank you to all this week’s contributors! We appreciate the posts by Panu, Django, Paul, Thomas, Mark, and John.

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!

Happy Friday, may your deploys go as planned and your weekend be fun!


Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

Jay Gordon is a Senior Program Manager with Azure Cosmos DB focused on reaching developer communities. Jay is located in Brooklyn, NY.


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    • April YohoMicrosoft employee

      Thank you for reading!