November 26th, 2021

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.11.26

Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

The top stories from the #AzureDevOps #community for 2021.11.26 are here!

Welcome back! I am Jay Gordon and every week I try to bring you the latest updates from around the DevOps on Azure community. If you have a post you’d like to have me include, I am always listening. You can reach out on Twitter or LinkedIn and I will be sure to share your latest post with the community. Also, be sure to tag your posts with #AzureDevOps!

Get the top stories from the Azure DevOps community right in your email every week with this newsletter! Sign up today and never miss any of these great posts from the #AzureDevOps community!

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the United States that are celebrating. It’s the time here in the states where we enjoy food, family, and lots of sitting on the couch. Because of the holiday, I put together this week’s news a day earlier but don’t worry there’s so much to catch up on. If your post didn’t make it in, just reach out next week to be part.

To my Belgian friends, good news! Azure just announced that a new Belgium (Belgium Central) datacenter region is now in development for you! Seems like Azure just keeps growing and growing to bring you your data and apps local. You can check out the big announcement at the Azure Updates blog or this Microsoft news article, “Microsoft announces “Digital AmBEtion” plan to accelerate growth and innovation in Belgium, including its intent to establish a datacenter region in the country.”

Want to learn how you can deploy serverless containers using Azure Container Apps and Pulumi? You can join Pulumi’s Matt Stratton and myself for a Microsoft Reactor session virtually on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM EST. We’ll will walk you through how Azure Container Apps work, why you might find them awesome, and how you can use Pulumi to build, deploy and manage your applications using your favorite programming language. You can click here to register for free to attend this online workshop on automation and containers.

Another week of just spectacular content to share with you. It’s so impressive to see how much more there is to learn. This week we have some amazing contributions from our community! We have new posts on Pipelines, Terraform, Bicep, and feature flags.

Scalable Container Based Azure Pipelines Pools with Azure Container Apps
Sebastian Schütze blogs about Container Apps and Azure Pipelines deployment. Glad to see this new service is already getting some great content created.

How to Build Infrastructure with Terraform in Azure DevOps
Amanda Punch with a great post with lots of examples on how to push your Terraform configuration via with Azure Pipelines.

What I Learned Building an Azure DevOps Pipeline with Terratest
Ned Bellavance is in the cloud! This time, he’ll show you how to set up your automated infrastructure tests along with Azure Pipelines.

Manage route tables and Network Security Groups in Azure with Bicep and Azure DevOps pipelines
Martin Therkelsen returns with some network security management using Bicep and Pipelines. Let’s automate every part of our cloud deployments!

Azure Bicep is a revolution in Azure DevOps
Alex Neihaus seems to love how building your Azure infrastructure is only getting easier thanks to Bicep.

How to: Azure Repos Health Check on Azure DevOps
Our friend Vinicius Moura is back again on the news roundup with a new post on Azure Repos! Vinicius is extremely prolific at sharing useful DevOps content, it’s always so appreciated.

Azure Update Management troubleshooting for Linux VMs
When Jack Roper isn’t blogging about the tech references on HBO’s Silicon Valley Tech, he’s always sharing content on how to troubleshoot, configure, and create using Azure. Thanks for everything you do Jack!

Install Split Integration With Azure DevOps
Split shares how to use their brand new Azure DevOps integration to configure feature flags for your application development.

Thank you to all this week’s contributors! We appreciate the posts by Sebastian, Amanda, Ned, Martin, Alex, Vincius, Jack, and the folks at Split.

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!

Happy Friday, may your deploys (or turkey prep) go as planned and your weekend be fun!


Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

Jay Gordon is a Senior Program Manager with Azure Cosmos DB focused on reaching developer communities. Jay is located in Brooklyn, NY.


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