April 5th, 2019

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.04.05

Edward Thomson
Principal Program Manager

The big news this week is the launch of Visual Studio 2019. If you weren’t able to watch the video keynote live, don’t worry. It was all recorded for you so you can watch it on-demand. And don’t forget my favorite part: all the projects that you can build with Visual Studio 2019? You can also set up continuous integration builds for them with Azure Pipelines.

Of course, that’s not the only news this week. Here’s what’s happening in the community:

Pure Containerized Deploy with Terraform on Azure DevOps
I’m getting more and more excited about containerized deployments. It just makes so many of the hard parts of deployment easier that it’s becoming my go-to when setting up a new pipeline. Jason Farrell shows how to integrate Azure Pipelines and Terraform to create and then deploy a container with Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

Azure DevOps Podcast: Ted Neward on the ‘Ops’ Side of DevOps
DevOps isn’t just about pipelines or automation; it’s about delivering value to our customers. And one of the most important ways we do that is to ensure that we effectively operate the software that we develop. Ted Neward has some great insights into how operations works within the DevOps movement, how development and operations teams should work together, and where the industry is headed.

Build and Deploy Asp.Net App with Azure DevOps
It’s pretty easy to set up a build and release pipeline for a greenfield ASP.net application. But what about existing applications that you don’t want to refactor? What if you have configuration checked in to version control? What if you have a web.config with variables that you need to transform? Ricci Gian Maria introduces some techniques for managing existing applications.

The DevOps Lab: Using GitHub Actions to Deploy to Azure
GitHub actions are pretty interesting; they let you bring a container to help automate parts of your GitHub workflow. You can use them to update Azure Boards work items or start an Azure Pipelines build or deployment. But what if you have a simple static website to deploy? Gopi Chigakkagari shows how you might use GitHub Actions to deploy to right to Azure.

As always, if you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure then let me know! I’m @ethomson on Twitter.



Edward Thomson
Principal Program Manager

Edward Thomson is a Program Manager for Azure DevOps, where he ensures that customers are successful with Git, CI/CD and DevOps concepts. Before becoming a Program Manager, he was a Software Engineer at GitHub and Microsoft working on Git tools.


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