Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

Content archived for Azure DevOps previous versions

​In April of this year, we completed a major project to archive older versions of our content.  For several years now, we've supported content for all Azure DevOps versions. These versions included TFS 2013 through Azure DevOps Services. Users viewed the content for their versions through the content version ...

July patches for Azure DevOps Server

This month, we are releasing fixes that impact our self-hosted product, Azure DevOps Server. The following will be fixed with this patch: Azure DevOps Server 2020.1.2 Patch 1 If you have Azure DevOps Server 2020.1.1, you should first update to Azure DevOps Server 2020.1.2. Once on Update 1.2, install Azure DevOps Server 2020.1.2 Patch ...

DevOps Dojo – UX/Accessibility

“I took the road less traveled, and that has made all the difference. It always seems impossible until it's done, and that is what motivates me to work on something that hasn't been done before. It wasn’t easy bringing the two worlds of DevOps and accessibility to the same page, but we knew it had to be done. I don't take accessibility ...

Copy a work item type using Azure DevOps API’s

So, we all love how we can manage engagements in Azure DevOps (ADO). We can create Epics, Features, User Stories and track our progress on Kanban boards. You can customize work item types to suit the needs of your business and project with ease. What if you wanted to copy a work item type you created and use it for another business case? There...

DevOps Dojo – OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)

In the Dojo White Belt Master Class, the first session is OKR fundamentals. In this session, we answer these top 20 questions related to OKRs, then we ask participants to set their team OKRs for the rest of the class. Every day, each team checks their progress towards their committed OKRs and aspirational OKRs. On the ...

Work Item Revision Limits

Every time a work item is updated, it creates an entry in the work item history. This is a great feature for users to track all the individual changes made to work items. However, we have seen organizations with automated tools that will generate tens of thousands of work item revisions. It creates issues with performance and usability on the ...