With each quarterly blog update, we bring you a list of enhancements we're making to Azure DevOps. This time around, we're also making some changes to the process itself, and we want to share those with you.
As part of our quarterly update, we’d like to share with you some of the highlights from the previous quarter and discuss what we have planned for this upcoming one. Each of the highlighted features includes a link to our public roadmap project where you'll find more details on the item and where you can check its status.
This month, we are releasing fixes that impact our self-hosted product, Azure DevOps Server 2019. The following has been fixed with this patch:
Unexpected behavior while adding AD groups to security permissions.
As part of our ongoing commitment to Azure DevOps, we'd like to share with you some key features we're planning on delivering over the next quarter. Each of these highlighted features includes links to our public roadmap project where you'll find more details on the item and where you can check its status.
We have recently updated the Features Timeline to showcase areas where we are making key investments for this quarter. I am delighted to share few of those initiatives that we have planned for Q2 with you.