June 11th, 2021

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.06.11

Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

The top stories from the #AzureDevOps #community for 2021.06.11 are here!

Welcome back DevOps Community! Every week we see you all producing incredibly valuable content on DevOps subjects. This week is no different as we dive into testing, data, and deployment pipelines.

Integration Testing for ASP.NET CORE Using EF Core Cosmos With Xunit and Azure DevOps
Damien Bod shows us how integration tests can be implemented for those using Cosmos DB and EF Core.

Create a dacpac for an Azure Synapse Analytics dedicated SQL Pool using Azure DevOps
This post demonstrates how to create a dapac for a dedicated SQL pool using Azure Pipelines.

Automating Deployment of Azure API Management Changes Using Azure DevOps
Wael published his first of a two post series on automating the deployment of an APIM change using Azure DevOps as his CI/CD provider.

Azure DevOps PowerShell Scripts – List all Git repositories
David provides you with some PowerShell to list all of your Azure Pipelines for your Azure DevOps organization.

Elegant CI/CD with Databricks notebooks
Rik and Luuk explain how to use Azure DevOps pipelines for notebook testing using transient Databricks clusters and notebook artifact registration.

How to Build SQL Database Deployment Automation Pipeline [Tutorial]
Let’s automate our SQL database deployments! Check out this really detailed tutorial by Gijs Reijn!

Thank you Damien, Kevin, Wael, David, Gijs, Rik, and Luuk for putting together these great updates!

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!

Happy Friday, may your deploys go as planned and your weekend be fun!


Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

Jay Gordon is a Senior Program Manager with Azure Cosmos DB focused on reaching developer communities. Jay is located in Brooklyn, NY.


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