The top stories from the #AzureDevOps #community for 2021.06.25 are here!
Welcome to this week’s roundup of content from the Azure DevOps community. We’ve got plenty of new content to cover! Be sure all your posts you’d like included in future editions of the top stories are tagged with #AzureDevOps!
Let’s get into it!
We have Dark and Light, but what if we want more color in our themes? Abhijit comes with this post on using Experimental Themes in Azure DevOps.
Bored with Dark and Light Themes in Azure DevOps? – Try Experimental Themes
Cloud Ninja Martin gives us the next post in his series on GitHub Actions and Bicep!
Getting started with GitHub Actions and Bicep – Part 3
Lets keep everything in our pipelines secure! Thomas gives us insight into secrets and Azure KeyVault!
Storing and retrieving secrets in Azure KeyVault with Variable Groups in Azure DevOps Pipelines
The Azure DevOps Podcast with Jeffrey Palermo talks to Charlie Kindel on Terminal.Gui.
Azure DevOps Podcast – Charlie Kindel on Terminal.Gui – Episode 146
Russ gets us started from scratch on our CI/CD with Azure DevOps for mobile apps.
Bare Bones CI/CD for iOS with Azure Devops & App Center
Samuel‘s post covers password hash sync in Azure.
How To Setup Password Hash Synchronization In Microsoft Azure
Thank you for all the great content from Abhijit, Martin, Thomas, Jeffery, Russ, and Samuel. We can’t do this without you!
If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!
Happy Friday, may your deploys go as planned and your weekend be fun!