Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

Announcing General Availability for Test & Feedback extension (formerly Exploratory Testing extension)

Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of Test & Feedback extension (formerly Exploratory Testing extension), and this extension is free for all. With agile practices becoming more prevalent, release cycles have become shorter. It doesn’t leave much time for teams to identify all scenarios, record the steps that ...

Live architecture dependency validation in Visual Studio “15” Preview 5

In the past year, you told us that you considered removing unwanted dependencies to be an important part of managing your technical debt. The Layer designer enables you to validate architectural dependencies in your Visual Studio solutions. It first shipped in Visual Studio 2010, and is now part of Visual Studio Enterprise. But the experience ...

How we work and lessons we’ve learned building Team Services and TFS

Here are two recent presentations that discuss the evolution of our team from an on-premises software team to a DevOps services team. The first one is a presentation by Matt Manela and Jose Rady Allende at Microsoft Ignite last week. Matt is the engineering manager and Jose the PM for one of the feature teams building the Agile features in ...

Feature flags: How we control exposure in VS Team Services

One question that I often get from customers is how we manage exposing features in the service. Features may not be complete or need to be revealed at a particular time. We may want to get early feedback. With the team working in master and deploying every three-week sprint, let’s take a look at how we do this for Team Services. Goals Our ...

Work Item Visualization is one of many productivity extensions on the marketplace

We are pleased to announce the latest update of the Work Item Visualization extension. It’s one of our first productivity extensions, enabling you to easily visualize work item relationships and traceability from requirements to code, to test cases, to releases. The update contains tons of bug fixes and these new features: annotations [1...